Black-fronted Bushshrike

Black-fronted Bushshrike / Telophorus nigrifrons

Black-fronted Bushshrike

Here the details of the Black-fronted Bushshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Telophorus nigrifrons
Protonym:  Laniarius nigrifrons Orn.Monatsb. 4 p.95
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Malaconotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blfbus1
Type Locality:  Marangu, Kilimanjaro.
Publish Year:  1896
IUCN Status:  


(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Bokmakierie T. zeylonus) No etymology given. This name may reflect the colorful plumage of the Bokmakierie (Gr. τελος telos  perfect; -φορος
-phoros  bearing  < φορεω phoreō  to carry). Swainson subsequently used Telophonus (Gr. τελος telos  perfect; φωνη phōnē  voice), given in allusion to the unusual duetting song of this bush-shrike; "Genus, TELOPHORUS.  Rostrum sub-elongatum, sed capite brevius; culmine gradatim arcuato; vibrissæ mastacales paucæ, debiles. Pedes validi; tarsi elevati; digiti laterales æquales; ungues graciles, acutissimi. Alæ rotundatæ. Cauda gradata. Colores vividi.  Type.— Telophorus collaris, SWAINS.  La Backbakiri, LE VAILL. Ois. de l'Afr., ii., pl. 67." (Swainson 1832); "Telophorus Swainson, 1831, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., pt. 2, p. 481. Type, by monotypy, Telophorus collaris Swainson = Turdus zeylonus Linnaeus." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 333).
Var. Telephorus, Telephonus, TlephonusTelophonus.
Synon. Pelicinius.

L. niger  black; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.
● ex “Black-fronted Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).


Black-fronted Bushshrike (nigrifrons)
SCI Name: Telophorus nigrifrons nigrifrons
L. niger  black; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.
● ex “Black-fronted Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Black-fronted Bushshrike (manningi)
SCI Name: Telophorus nigrifrons manningi
Brig.-Gen. Sir William Henry Manning (1863-1932) British Army, Commissioner for British Central Africa 1897-1899, Commissioner of British Somaliland 1910, Gov. of Nyasaland 1911-1913, Gov. of Jamaica 1913-1918, Gov. of Ceylon 1918-1925 (subsp. Chlorophoneus nigrifrons).

Black-fronted Bushshrike (sandgroundi)
SCI Name: Telophorus nigrifrons sandgroundi
Dr John Henry Sandground (1899-1976) US parasitologist, helminthologist (subsp. Chlorophoneus nigrifrons).