Spotted Imperial-Pigeon

Spotted Imperial-Pigeon / Ducula carola

Spotted Imperial-Pigeon

Here the details of the Spotted Imperial-Pigeon named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ducula carola
Protonym:  Ptilocolpa carola Compt.Rend. 39 p.1075
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spipig3
Type Locality:  Philippine Islands.
Publish Year:  1854
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Mountain Imperial Pigeon D. badia insignis) Nepalese name Dukul for the imperial pigeons (cf. Hindi names Dunkul and Doomkul); "Genus or Sub-genus — DUCULA nobis. — DUKUL OF THE NIPALESE (genericé)    Character of the genus:—bill equal to the head, straight, cylindric, very feeble; both mandibles membranous for three-fourths from the gape; tip of the upper mandible gently inclined—of the lower, strongly compressed; nares broad, linear, obliquely transverse, central; their groove faint; their tect subtumid.  Wings short, not rounded, 3, 4, 5 quills sub-equal and longest; central primaries with their tips wavily truncated.  Tail 14, long, strong and square; tarsi very low, and plumed nearly to the toes laterally, less in front; toes depressed with broad flat soles; lateral fores sub-equal, hind large; nails strong, arched and acuminated; central and hind equal, lateral fores equal, less; orbits nude; plumage simple.  The above is a tedious charcater, but it is a distinct one. Those who love more summary proceedings may perhaps approve the following: "Bill and wings as in Goura; legs and feet as in Vinago."  ...  Lastly, though Ducula, like Vinago, be exclusively arboreal and fruit-eating; the latter is eminently gregarious—the former, almost a solitary.   Species new. DUCULA INSIGNIS. Great Ducula, nobis." (Hodgson 1836); "Ducula Hodgson, As. Res., 19, 1836, p. 160. Type, by monotypy, Ducula insignis Hodgson." (Peters, 1937, III, p. 42).   
Synon. Carpophaga, Carpophagella, Compsoenas, Globicera, Lamprura, Muscadivora, Muscadivores, Myriphaga, Myristicivora, Phaenorhina, Pterocolpa, Ptilocolpa, Rinopus, Serresius, Zonoenas, Zonophaps.

carola / carolae
● Charlotte Honorine Joséphine Pauline Contessa Primoli di Foglia (1832-1891) daughter of French ornithologist Prince Charles Bonaparte; "Avem pulcherrimam dicamus amatissimae CAROLAE PRIMOLI BONAPARTE, nomine dignae; filiae optimae, sororis, sponsae, matrisque exemplum!" (Bonaparte 1855) (Ducula).
● Carol Beehler (fl. 2007) wife of US ornithologist Dr Bruce M. Beehler (Melipotes).
● Charlotte Crittenden McGregor (b. 1841) mother of US zoologist Richard Crittenden McGregor (subsp. Melozone crissalis).
● Karoline Frederikke Franziska Stephanie Amalia Cecilia Princess of Sweden and Queen Consort of Saxony (1833-1907), known as Carola of Vasa and Saxony, wife of Albrecht King of Saxony (Parotia).


Spotted Imperial-Pigeon (carola)
SCI Name: Ducula carola carola
carola / carolae
● Charlotte Honorine Joséphine Pauline Contessa Primoli di Foglia (1832-1891) daughter of French ornithologist Prince Charles Bonaparte; "Avem pulcherrimam dicamus amatissimae CAROLAE PRIMOLI BONAPARTE, nomine dignae; filiae optimae, sororis, sponsae, matrisque exemplum!" (Bonaparte 1855) (Ducula).
● Carol Beehler (fl. 2007) wife of US ornithologist Dr Bruce M. Beehler (Melipotes).
● Charlotte Crittenden McGregor (b. 1841) mother of US zoologist Richard Crittenden McGregor (subsp. Melozone crissalis).
● Karoline Frederikke Franziska Stephanie Amalia Cecilia Princess of Sweden and Queen Consort of Saxony (1833-1907), known as Carola of Vasa and Saxony, wife of Albrecht King of Saxony (Parotia).

Spotted Imperial-Pigeon (nigrorum)
SCI Name: Ducula carola nigrorum
● Mod. L. Nigrorum  of Negros, Philippines; the island was named Isla de Negros by the Spaniards because of its dark-skinned inhabitants  < L. niger  black.
● Mod. L. Terra Nigrorum  land of the negroes (i.e. West Africa); "Alseonax cinereus nigrorum nom. nov. versus A. cinereus cinerascens (Sharpe). Muscicapa cinerascens Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv, p. 155 (1879 - Gold Coast), nec Spix, Aves Bras. ii, p. 16, pl. xii (1825)" (Collin & Hartert 1927) (subsp. Fraseria caerulescens).

Spotted Imperial-Pigeon (mindanensis)
SCI Name: Ducula carola mindanensis
mindanaensis / mindanaoensis / mindanense / mindanensis
Mindanao, Philippines (named after the Maguindanao, a Moro people and former sultanate of the southern Philippines).
● (Boddaert 1783) ex “Merle de Mindanao” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 627, fig. 1 (Copsychus).
● (J. Gmelin 1789) ex “Merle de Mindanao” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 627, fig. 1, and “Mindanao Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Copsychus mindanensis).
● ex “Coucou tacheté de Mindanao” of Brisson 1760 (subsp. Eudynamys scolopacea).