Goeldi’s Antbird

Goeldi\'s Antbird / Akletos goeldii

Goeldi's Antbird

Here the details of the Goeldi's Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Akletos goeldii
Protonym:  Myrmelastes goeldii J.Orn. 56 p.17
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  goeant1
Type Locality:  Bom Lugar and Ponto Alegre, Rio Pums, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1908
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ White-shouldered Antbird A. melanoceps) Gr. ακλητος aklētos  uncalled, unbidden  < negative prefix α- a- ; κλητος klētos  called, chosen  < καλεω kaleō  to summon; "AKLETOS, new genus.  Description. - Similar to Attila Lesson, but tarsus longer and beak smaller. Bristles of the gape undeveloped. Beak about as long as the head; its shape is reminiscent of those of Attila and Laniocera Lesson. The outer toe is united to the middle one over a greater distance than in Attila, but not quite to the end of the second phalange. Tarsus pycnaspidean, longer than the culmen and the clawed middle toe, and longer than one-third of the wing length. Tail short and slightly rounded. The fifth and sixth primaries are the longest, the tenth between the second and third.  Genotype:- AKLETOS PERUVIANUS, new species" (Dunajewski 1948); "Akletos Dunajewski, 1948, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 68 (7), p. 131.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Akletos peruvianus Dunajewski, 1948 (♀)  = Thamnophilus melanoceps von Spix, 1825." (JAJ 2020).
Synon. Inundicola.

Dr Emil August Göldi (1859-1917) Swiss zoologist resident in Brazil 1884-1905, Director of Museu Paraense de Historia Natural, Belém (Akletos, subsp. Sicalis columbiana, syn. Trogon violaceus crissalis).