Golden-bellied Gerygone

Golden-bellied Gerygone / Gerygone sulphurea

Golden-bellied Gerygone

Here the details of the Golden-bellied Gerygone named bird below:

SCI Name:  Gerygone sulphurea
Protonym:  Gerygone sulphurea Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1863) (1863), Pt3 p.490
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acanthizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gobger1
Type Locality:  Solor Island, Lesser Sunda Islands.
Publish Year:  1864
IUCN Status:  


(Acanthizidae; Ϯ White-throated Gerygone G. olivacea) Gr. γηρυγονος gērugonos  echoes  < γηρυω gēruō  to sing; γονη gonē  offspring, child; "I found it in considerable numbers in every part of the Upper Hunter district, nearly always among the gum-trees, and constantly uttering a peculiar and not very harmonious strain" (Gould 1865); "These birds having been characterised by me under the generic name of Psilopus; but that term having been previously employed in Entomology I propose to alter it to Gerygone" (Gould 1841); "Gerygone Gould, 1841, in G. Grey, Journ. Two Exped. Discovery Northwest Western Australia, 2, p. 417, note. New name for Psilopus Gould, 1838, preoccupied by Psilopus Meigen, 1824." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 444).  
Var. Gerigone, Gerypont.
Synon. Ethelornis, Hapolorhynchus, Leptotodus, Maorigerygone, Ostiarius, Pseudogerygone, Psilopus, Royigerygone, Tinamulus, Wilsonavis.

L. sulphureus  sulphureous  < sulphur, sulphuris  sulphur.
● ex “Crested Parrot or Cockatoo” of Albin 1738, “Cacatua luteo-cristata” of Brisson 1760, “Petit Kakatoës à huppe jaune” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 14, and “Lesser White Cockatoo” of Edwards 1764, and Latham 1781 (Cacatua).


Golden-bellied Gerygone (flaveola)
SCI Name: Gerygone sulphurea flaveola
flaveola / flaveolus
L. flaveolus  yellowish  < dim. < flavus  golden, yellow.
● "59. CERTHIA.  ...  flaveola.  5. C. nigra, uropygio pectoreque luteo, superciliis macula alarum rectricumque apicibus albis.  Luscinia s. Philomela e fusco et luteo varia. Sloan. jam. 2. p. 307. t. 259. Raj. av. 187. n. 45. Edw. av. 122. t. 122.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Coereba).
● "112. FRINGILLA.  ...  flaveola.  24. F. flava, fronte fulva, remigibus rectricibusque nigris flavo marginatis.  Habitat . . . . . Museum De Geer.  Corpus magnitudine & statura F. canariensis, flavissimum. Rostrum convexum, pallidum apice fusca. Frons fulva s. crocea. Dorsum flavo-virescens. Remiges Rectricesque nigræ utroque margine flava. Cauda forficata. Pedes pallidi." (Linnaeus 1766) (Sicalis).
● "97. EMBERIZA.  ...  flaveola.  10. E. grisea, facie flava.  Habitat in calidis regionibus.  Corpus magnitudine Ligurini. Frons & Gula flavæ." (Linnaeus 1758) (unident.; nom. dub.).

Golden-bellied Gerygone (sulphurea)
SCI Name: Gerygone sulphurea sulphurea
L. sulphureus  sulphureous  < sulphur, sulphuris  sulphur.
● ex “Crested Parrot or Cockatoo” of Albin 1738, “Cacatua luteo-cristata” of Brisson 1760, “Petit Kakatoës à huppe jaune” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 14, and “Lesser White Cockatoo” of Edwards 1764, and Latham 1781 (Cacatua).

Golden-bellied Gerygone (simplex)
SCI Name: Gerygone sulphurea simplex
L. simplex, simplicis  simple, plain.
● ex “Simple Tern” of Latham 1785 (Phaetusa ☼).

Golden-bellied Gerygone (rhizophorae)
SCI Name: Gerygone sulphurea rhizophorae
rhizophora / rhizophorae
Mod. L. rhizophorus  of the mangroves  < Botanical genus Rhizophora Linnaeus, 1753, mangrove  < Gr. ῥιζοφορος rhizophoros  carrying roots  < ῥιζα rhiza  root; -φορος -phoros  carrying  < φερω pherō  to carry.