New Ireland Munia

New Ireland Munia / Lonchura forbesi

New Ireland Munia

Here the details of the New Ireland Munia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lonchura forbesi
Protonym:  Munia forbesi Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt3 p.449 pl.37 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Estrildidae /
Taxonomy Code:  neimun1
Type Locality:  Topaia, New Ireland.
Publish Year:  1879
IUCN Status:  


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Scaly-breasted Munia L. punctulata) Gr. λογχη lonkhē  spear-head, lance; ουρα oura  tail; "Genus LONCHURA. Rostrum forte, breve, latum, altitudine ad basin longitudinem æquans; mandibulis integris, superiori in frontem angulariter extendente cumque eo circuli arcum formante.  Alæ mediocres, subacuminatæ; remigibus, 1ma brevissima subspuria, 2da 3tia 4taque fere æqualibus longissimis.  Cauda gradata, lanceolata; rectricibus mediis cæteras paullo longitudine superantibus.  Pedes mediocres, subgraciles.   The peculiar spear-head form of the tail, and the ridge of the upper mandible and the forehead, forming a segment of the same circle, together with the habits of the following species, afford sufficient characteristics to justify their separation from the genus Fringilla of M. Temminck. The Gros-bec longicone of the Pl. Col. 96. (Emb. quadricolor, Lath.) belongs to the same group.   109. Lonchura nisoria. Fringilla nisoria, Temm. Gros-bec épervin. Pl. Col. 500. Fig. 2.  ...  110. LONCHURA CHEET.  ...  111. Lonchura leuconota. Fringilla leuconota, Temm. Gros-bec leuconote, Pl. Col. 500, fig. 1." (Sykes 1832); "Lonchura Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 94. Type, by original designation, Fringilla nisoria Temminck = Loxia punctulata Linnaeus. Not preoccupied by Lonchurus Bloch, 1793 (Pisces)." (Paynter in Peters 1968, XIV, 372 (erroneous typification)); "LONCHURA Sykes, 1832 F - Fringilla nisoria Sykes, 1832; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 326). = Loxia punctulata Linnaeus, 1758" (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.) 2014, 297).
Synon. Dermophrys, Diacmura, Donacola, Maia, Mayrimunia, Munia, Oryzivora, Oryzornis, Oxycerca, Padda, Trichogrammoptila, Uroloncha, Weebongia.

● William Alexander Forbes (1855-1883) British zoologist, collector in tropical Africa and Brazil (Anumara, syn. Aplopelia simplex, Charadrius, syn. Emberiza affinis, subsp. Halcyon malimbica, subsp. Lagonosticta rara, Leptodon).
● "This new geographical race of the Striped Owl is named for Mr. Dyfrig McH. Forbes, of Potrero Viejo, Veracruz, who, along with his family, has contributed greatly to scientific knowledge by making extensive collections of natural history objects and by assisting personnel connected with various museum expeditions. In the latter regard, the Hacienda Potrero has served as headquarters or temporary abode for numerous field parties of diverse zoological interest" (Lowery & Dalquest 1951) (subsp. Asio clamator).
Sir Victor Courtenay Walter Forbes (1889-1958) British diplomat in Mexico, Spain and Peru (Atlapetes).
● Henry Ogg Forbes (1851-1932) Scottish botanist, ethnologist, explorer in the East Indies and New Guinea, Director of the Canterbury Mus., New Zealand, 1890-1893, Director of the Liverpool Museums 1894-1911 (Cyanoramphus, syn. Erythrura tricolor, Lonchura, subsp. Myzomela nigrita, Ninox, Rallicula).
● William Cameron Forbes (1870-1959) US banker, diplomat, Commissioner of Philippine Commerce & Police 1904-1908, Vice-Gov. and Gov.-Gen. of the Philippines 1908-1913, Ambassador to Japan 1930-1932 (subsp. Megalurus palustris, syn. Zosterops everetti basilanicus).