Dark-breasted Spinetail

Dark-breasted Spinetail / Synallaxis albigularis

Dark-breasted Spinetail

Here the details of the Dark-breasted Spinetail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Synallaxis albigularis
Protonym:  Synallaxis albigularis Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt26 no.350 p.63
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dabspi1
Type Locality:  Rio Napo; Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1858
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Rufous-capped Spinetail S. ruficapilla)  Gr. συναλλαξις sunallaxis, συναλλαξεως sunallaxeōs  exchange; perhaps given because Vieillot thought the two species may represent the two sexes of a single species, or an allusion to their characters warranting generic separation.  Reichenbach 1853, complained that Synallaxis, of feminine gender, contained the Latin masculine noun axis  axle, and wondered what scientists were to make of it!; "SYNALLAXE, Synallaxis.   Bec grêle, entier, pointu; mandibule supérieure un peu arquée, l'inférieure droit; narines couvertes de plumes à leur base; ailes courtes, arrondies." (Vieillot 1818); "SYNALLAXE, Synallaxis. Genre de l'ordre des Oiseaux SYLVAINS et de la famille des GRIMPEREAUX   ...   La SYNALLAXE A QUEUE ROUSSE, Synallaxis ruficauda, Vieill., a été apportée du Brésil.   ...   La SYNALLAXE A TÊTE ROUSSE, Synallaxis ruficapilla, Vieill., se trouve au Brésil.   ...   Les différences qu'on remarque entre cet oiseau et le précédent, ne caractérisent-elles pas les sexes?" (Vieillot 1819); "Synallaxis Vieillot, Nouv. Sict. Hist. Nat., 24, 1818, p. 117. Generic characters only; species added op. cit., 32, 1819, p. 310. Type, by subsequent designation, Synallaxis ruficapilla Vieillot (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 17)." (Peters 1951, VII, 80). 
Var. Synnalaxis, Synnallaxis, Synalaxis.   
Synon. Anabates, Barnesia, Gyalophylax, Parulus, Poecilurus, Siptornopsis.

albigulare / albigularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.
● “Hellmayr proposed Automulus roraimae as a new name for Philydor albigularis Salvin and Godman on grounds that it was a homonym of Philydor albogularis Spix ... 1824 ... however under the International Rules albigularis and albogularis are different names” (Peters VII 1951); “Under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. 58 (8) these two names are homonymous variable spellings and under Arts. 57 and 59 (a) primary homonyms, so Hellmayr was correct and Vaurie was wrong” (Eisennann in Vaurie 1980) (syn. Automolus roraimae).


Dark-breasted Spinetail (rodolphei)
SCI Name: Synallaxis albigularis rodolphei
rodolphei / rodolphi
● Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee (1901-1984) Swiss/US ornithologist (syn. Cyanoderma rufifrons, syn. Phaenocophaeus sumatranus, subsp. Synallaxis albigularis).
● Louis Rodolphe Germain (1827-?1917) French Army, veterinary surgeon in Indochina 1862-1867, and New Caledonia 1875-1878, collector (syn. Pachycephala cinerea).

Dark-breasted Spinetail (albigularis)
SCI Name: Synallaxis albigularis albigularis
albigulare / albigularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.
● “Hellmayr proposed Automulus roraimae as a new name for Philydor albigularis Salvin and Godman on grounds that it was a homonym of Philydor albogularis Spix ... 1824 ... however under the International Rules albigularis and albogularis are different names” (Peters VII 1951); “Under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. 58 (8) these two names are homonymous variable spellings and under Arts. 57 and 59 (a) primary homonyms, so Hellmayr was correct and Vaurie was wrong” (Eisennann in Vaurie 1980) (syn. Automolus roraimae).