Australian Magpie

Australian Magpie / Gymnorhina tibicen

Australian Magpie

Here the details of the Australian Magpie named bird below:

SCI Name:  Gymnorhina tibicen
Protonym:  C[oracias] tibicen Suppl.ind.orn. p.xvii
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Artamidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ausmag2
Type Locality:  New South Wales.
Publish Year:  1801
IUCN Status:  


(Artamidae; Ϯ Australian Magpie G. tibicen) Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos  nostrils; alluding to the bare, uncovered nostrils of the Australian Magpie (cf. Cracticus in which the nostrils are protected by rictal bristles); "GYMNORHINA, n.  Gracula, Shaw.  Cracticus, Vieill.  Barita, Cuv.  Coracias, Lath.  G. tibicen, (Lath.) n.  Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 20" (G. Gray 1840); "Gymnorhina Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1st ed. p. 37, April 1840.  Type (by original designation): Coracias tibicen Lath." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 651).
Var. Gymnorrhina.

L. tibicen, tibicinis  flute-player  < tibia  pipe, flute; canere  to play.
● ex “Piping Roller” of Latham 1787 (Gymnorhina).
● ex “Flûteur” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 112, fig. 2 (syn. Sphenoeacus afer).


Australian Magpie (Papuan)
SCI Name: Gymnorhina tibicen papuana
Papua or New Guinea.

Australian Magpie (Black-backed)
SCI Name: Gymnorhina tibicen [tibicen Group]
(Artamidae; Ϯ Australian Magpie G. tibicen) Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos  nostrils; alluding to the bare, uncovered nostrils of the Australian Magpie (cf. Cracticus in which the nostrils are protected by rictal bristles); "GYMNORHINA, n.  Gracula, Shaw.  Cracticus, Vieill.  Barita, Cuv.  Coracias, Lath.  G. tibicen, (Lath.) n.  Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 20" (G. Gray 1840); "Gymnorhina Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1st ed. p. 37, April 1840.  Type (by original designation): Coracias tibicen Lath." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 651).
Var. Gymnorrhina.

Australian Magpie (Western)
SCI Name: Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
dorsale / dorsalis
L. dorsalis (properly dorsualis)  dorsal, of the back  < dorsum  back.
● ex “Chorlito à dos noir” of de Buffon (Sonnini ed.) 1800-1802 (syn. Calidris melanotos).

Australian Magpie (White-backed)
SCI Name: Gymnorhina tibicen telonocua/tyrannica
(Artamidae; Ϯ Australian Magpie G. tibicen) Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos  nostrils; alluding to the bare, uncovered nostrils of the Australian Magpie (cf. Cracticus in which the nostrils are protected by rictal bristles); "GYMNORHINA, n.  Gracula, Shaw.  Cracticus, Vieill.  Barita, Cuv.  Coracias, Lath.  G. tibicen, (Lath.) n.  Voy. de la Coqu., pl. 20" (G. Gray 1840); "Gymnorhina Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1st ed. p. 37, April 1840.  Type (by original designation): Coracias tibicen Lath." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 651).
Var. Gymnorrhina.

Australian Magpie (Tasmanian)
SCI Name: Gymnorhina tibicen hypoleuca
Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; λευκος leukos white (cf. ὑπολευκος hupoleukos whitish).
● ex “Pico triqueño” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 123 (syn. Sporophila leucoptera).
● Gr. ὑπερλευκος huperleukos exceedingly white; “The name hypoleucus was evidently a lapsus for hyperleucus” (Gadow 1883) (Gymnorhina).