Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk / Buteo lagopus

Rough-legged Hawk

Here the details of the Rough-legged Hawk named bird below:

SCI Name:  Buteo lagopus
Protonym:  Falco Lagopus Dansk.Atlas 1 p.616
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  rolhaw
Type Locality:  no locality = Denmark.
Publish Year:  1763
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Common Buzzard B. buteo) Specific name Falco buteo Linnaeus, 1758. "BUSE, Buteo.  Bec, tête et base du bec des Éperviers; ailes des Aigles; tarse gros et court." (de Lacépède 1799); "Buteo Lacépède, Tabl. Ois., 1799, p. 4. Type, by tautonymy, Falco buteo Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 228).
Var. BateoBiteo.
Synon. AmplibuteoArchibuteo, Asturina, Asturisca, Brewsteria, Butaetes, Butaquila, Buteaetos, Buteola, Buthierax, Cerchne, Circobuteo, Coryornis, Craxirex, Dromolestes, Hemiaetus, Limnaetus, Limnosalus, Onychotes, Poecilopternis, Praedo, Pterolestes, Triorchis.

L. buteo, buteonis  buzzard; "41. FALCO.  ...  Buteo.  14. F. cera pedibusque luteis, corpore fusco, abdomine pallido maculis fuscis.  Buteo vulgaris. Gesn. av. 46. Will. ornith. 38. t. 6. Raj. av. 16.  Buteo. Alb. av. I. p. 1. t. 1.  Habitat in Europa, Cuniculis & Bufonibus infestus." (Linnaeus 1758) (Buteo).

(Tetraonidae; Ϯ Willow Grouse L. lagopus) L. lagopus, lagopodis  ptarmigan  < Gr. λαγωπους lagōpous, λαγωποδος lagōpodos  ptarmigan, rough-footed like a hare  < λαγως lagōs  hare; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "Pedibus plumosis. .  . .Lagopus. Genus 5.  ...  Genus Lagopodis  ...  Crura ad calcaneum usque plumosa  ...  Pedes plumosi. Calcaribus carent hujus generis Aves" (Brisson 1760): based on "Lagopus" of Willughby 1676, Sibbald 1684, Ray 1712 and Klein 1750; "Lagopus Brisson, Orn., 1, 1760, p. 26, 181. Type, by tautonymy, Lagopus Brisson = Tetrao lagopus Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 29).
Var. Lagophus, Logopus.
Synon. Acetinornis, Attagen, Keron, Oreias.
● (syn. Buteo Ϯ Ferruginous Hawk B. regalis) Specific name Falco lagopus Pontoppidan, 1763; "Mr. L. Fraser laid upon the table three new species of Birds, which he described as   LAGOPUS FERRUGINEUS  ...  Upper surface dark brown, mottled slightly with white on the head and neck; tail above the basal half white, terminal brown, totally white beneath  ...  Hab. Mexico.  ...  There are three specimens of this bird in different stages of plumage in the Society's collection, all from Mexico." (Fraser 1844).

● Gr. λαγωπους lagōpous, λαγωποδος lagōpodos  hare-footed, rough-footed  < λαγως lagōs  hare; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot (Buteo).
● L. lagopus, lagopodis  ptarmigan  < Gr. λαγωπους lagōpous, λαγωποδος lagōpodos  ptarmigan, rough-footed like a hare; "91. TETRAO.  ...  Lagopus.  4. T. pedibus lanatis, remigibus albis, rectricibus nigris apice albis: intermediis totis albis.  Tetrao rectricibus albis: intermediis nigris apice albis. Fn. svec. 169.  Lagopus. Gesn. av. 577. Aldr. orn. l. 13. c. 21. Will. orn. 127. t. 32. Raj. av. 55. Edw. av. 72. t. 72.  Habitat in Europæ alpinis, ex Betula nana victitansPedibus lanatis leporis; hyeme albus exceptis rectricibus, sub nive sæpius cuniculos agens; in sylvis loquax cachinnis.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Lagopus).


Rough-legged Hawk (lagopus)
SCI Name: Buteo lagopus lagopus
(Tetraonidae; Ϯ Willow Grouse L. lagopus) L. lagopus, lagopodis  ptarmigan  < Gr. λαγωπους lagōpous, λαγωποδος lagōpodos  ptarmigan, rough-footed like a hare  < λαγως lagōs  hare; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "Pedibus plumosis. .  . .Lagopus. Genus 5.  ...  Genus Lagopodis  ...  Crura ad calcaneum usque plumosa  ...  Pedes plumosi. Calcaribus carent hujus generis Aves" (Brisson 1760): based on "Lagopus" of Willughby 1676, Sibbald 1684, Ray 1712 and Klein 1750; "Lagopus Brisson, Orn., 1, 1760, p. 26, 181. Type, by tautonymy, Lagopus Brisson = Tetrao lagopus Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 29).
Var. Lagophus, Logopus.
Synon. Acetinornis, Attagen, Keron, Oreias.
● (syn. Buteo Ϯ Ferruginous Hawk B. regalis) Specific name Falco lagopus Pontoppidan, 1763; "Mr. L. Fraser laid upon the table three new species of Birds, which he described as   LAGOPUS FERRUGINEUS  ...  Upper surface dark brown, mottled slightly with white on the head and neck; tail above the basal half white, terminal brown, totally white beneath  ...  Hab. Mexico.  ...  There are three specimens of this bird in different stages of plumage in the Society's collection, all from Mexico." (Fraser 1844).

Rough-legged Hawk (menzbieri)
SCI Name: Buteo lagopus menzbieri
Prof. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Menzbir (1855-1935) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Anthus gustavi, subsp. Buteo lagopus, syn. Chloris chloris bilkevitschi, syn. Dryobates minor, subsp. Limosa lapponica, subsp. Phylloscopus collybita, syn. Prunella atrogularis huttoni, subsp. Remiz pendulinus, syn. Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi).

Rough-legged Hawk (kamtschatkensis)
SCI Name: Buteo lagopus kamtschatkensis
kamschaticus / kamtchatchensis / kamtschathensis / kamtschatica / kamtschaticus / kamtschatika / kamtschatkensis / kamtschatschensis
Kamchatka, Far Eastern Russia (named after the Kamchadal peoples, "men of the far end.").

Rough-legged Hawk (sanctijohannis)
SCI Name: Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis
Late L. sanctus  saint  < L. sanctus  holy  < sancire  to consecrate; L. Iohannis  John.
● Saint John, Newfoundland; ex “S. John’s Falcon” of Latham 1781, and Pennant 1785 (subsp. Buteo lagopus).
● Lt.-Col. Sir Oliver Beauchamp Coventry St. John (1837-1891) British Army in India, engineer, political agent (subsp. Leiopicus medius).
● Río San Juan, Chocó, Colombia (syn. Phaethornis yaruqui).