Napo Sabrewing

Napo Sabrewing / Campylopterus villaviscensio

Napo Sabrewing

Here the details of the Napo Sabrewing named bird below:

SCI Name:  Campylopterus villaviscensio
Protonym:  Trochilus Villaviscensio Compt.Rend. 32 p.187
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  napsab1
Type Locality:  Napo, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Grey-breasted Sabrewing C. largipennis) Gr. καμπυλος kampulos  curved, bent  < καμπτω kamptō  to bend; -πτερος -pteros  
-winged  < πτερον pteron  wing (cf. specific name Trochilus campylopterus J. Gmelin, 1788 (= syn. Campylopterus largipennis)); "CAMPYLOPTERUS.  Rostrum longiusculum, sub-arcuatumAlæ falcatæ; remigum primarum scapis dilatato-compressisCauda rotundata, vel gradata.    Types. 1. T. latipennis.  2. falcatus. Sw., Zool. Ill.  ... Wings falcated, the shafts or scapes of the primary quills dilated and compressed." (Swainson 1827); "Campylopterus Swainson, Zool. Journ., 3, 1827, p. 358. Type, by subsequent designation, C. latipennis (Lath.) = Trochilus largipennis Boddaert. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 13.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 18).
Var. Campilopterus.
Synon. Bombornis, Loxopterus, Pampa, Phaeochroa, Platystylopterus, Saepiopterus, Sphenoproctus.

Gr. καμπυλος kampulos  curved, bent  < καμπτω kamptō  to bend; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.
● ex “Oiseau-mouche à larges tuyaux de Cayenne” of d’Aubenon 1765-1781, pl. 672, fig. 2, “Oiseau-mouche à larges tuyaux” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Broad-shafted Humming-bird” of Latham 1783 (syn. Campylopterus largipennis).

Manuel Villavicencio Montúfar (1804-1871) Ecuadorean geographer, explorer, botanist, collector (Martin Schneider in litt.) (Campylopterus).