Barred Hawk

Barred Hawk / Morphnarchus princeps

Barred Hawk

Here the details of the Barred Hawk named bird below:

SCI Name:  Morphnarchus princeps
Protonym:  Leucopternis princeps Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 p.429 pl.24
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  barhaw1
Type Locality:  Costa Rica.
Publish Year:  1865
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Barred Hawk M. princeps) Gr. μορφνος morphnos  dark-coloured; αρχος arkhos  leader, chief  < αρχω arkhō  to rule; "MORPHNARCHUS gen. nov. (Buteonidæ)   TYPE: Leucopternis princeps Sclater.   Similar to Leucopternis Kaup but differing in relatively shorter and stouter tarsus (less than twice as long as middle toe without claw), circular nostril, cuneate feathers of head and neck, and very different coloration, the head, neck, chest and upper parts plain black, the under parts (posterior to chest) white narrowly barred with black; loral and orbital regions nearly nude.    (Mορφνος, dusky, dark; αρχος, a leader or chief.)" (Ridgway 1920).

L. princeps, principis  prince, chief, leader  < primus  foremost  < super. prior, prius  first; capere  to take.
● Jules Laurent Lucien, later called Charles Lucien Jules Laurent 2nd Prince of Canino and Musignano and Prince Bonaparte (1803-1857) French ornithologist, taxonomist, collector (Actenoides).
● Bismarck Range, Papua New Guinea (German prinz  prince; named after Otto Eduard Leopold Prinz von Bismarck-Schönhausen (1815-1898); the four highest peaks were named after him and his children, Marie, Herbert and Wilhelm) (Melidectes).
● "I therefore propose to name the Massachusetts bird Passerculus princeps, the large barren ground sparrow" (Maynard 1872); ex “Centronyx bairdii” of Maynard 1868 (subsp. Passerculus sandwichensis).
● Príncipe I., Gulf of Guinea (Portuguese príncipe  prince; named after Príncipe João of Portugal (1455-1495)) (Ploceus, subsp. Psittacus erithacus).