Mountain Grackle

Mountain Grackle / Macroagelaius subalaris

Mountain Grackle

Here the details of the Mountain Grackle named bird below:

SCI Name:  Macroagelaius subalaris
Protonym:  Quiscalus sub-alaris Rev.Zool. 3 p.70
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Icteridae /
Taxonomy Code:  mougra1
Type Locality:  Santa-Fe de Bogota.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Icteridae; Ϯ Mountain Grackle M. subalaris) Gr. μακρος makros  long; genus Agelaius Vieillot, 1816, blackbird; "5. Macroagelaius.   12. AGELAIUS SUBALARIS, (Boissonneau.)  Quiscalus subalaris, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p.70.  Specimens in the Academy Museum labelled "Bogota."  Though usually rated as a Quiscalus, this bird, in my opinion, is more properly to be regarded as an Agelaius, though differing from the typical subgroups in having a longer and more Quiscalus-like tail.  It is not an uncommon bird in collections from the northern countries of South America." (Cassin 1866); "Macroagelaius Cassin, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 13. Type, by monotypy, Quiscalus sub-alaris Boissonneau." (Blake in Peters 1968, XIV, 185).
Var. Macragelaeus.
Synon. Pseudagelaeus, Sciopsar.

L. subalaris  under the arms  < sub  underneath; ala  armpit, wing (cf. Late L. subalaris  under the wings, under-wing).
● “allied to B[radornis]. pallidus Müll., but is smaller, darker, and above all distinguished by its dark fawn-coloured under wing-coverts” (Sharpe 1874) (subsp. Agricola pallidus).