Thekla’s Lark

Thekla\'s Lark / Galerida theklae

Thekla's Lark

Here the details of the Thekla's Lark named bird below:

SCI Name:  Galerida theklae
Protonym:  Galerita Theklae Allg.DeutscheNat.Zeit.,N.F. N.F., 3 Heft12 p.456
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  thelar1
Type Locality:  Jativa, near Valencia, and in the Sierra Nevada, Spain.
Publish Year:  1857
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Ϯ Crested Lark G. cristata) L. galerita, galeritus, galerius or avis galerita  lark with a crest, either the Crested Lark or the Eurasian Skylark  < galerum  cap, bonnet  < galea  helmet; "Fam. Alaudidae.   Gattung Galerida 4    Hieher aus Europa:  1. Alauda cristata Lin.   2. — undata Gm.    Africa:  3. cinerea Gm.   4. isabellina Tem. col. 244. fig. 2.   ...   4 Plin." (Boie 1828); "Galerida Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, col. 321. Type, by subsequent designation, Alauda cristata Linnaeus (Gray, 1840, List. Gen. Birds, p. 47)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 55).   
Var. Galerita, Golerida.   
Synon. Calendula, Corydus, Erana, Heliocorys, Heterops, Ptilocorys, Spizalauda.

Thekla Klothilde Bertha Brehm (1833-1857) daughter of German pastor and ornithologist Christian Ludwig Brehm (Galerida).


Thekla's Lark (theklae)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae theklae
Thekla Klothilde Bertha Brehm (1833-1857) daughter of German pastor and ornithologist Christian Ludwig Brehm (Galerida).

Thekla's Lark (erlangeri)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae erlangeri
Victor Carl Heinrich Freiherr von Erlanger (called Carlo von Erlanger) (1872-1904) German naturalist, collector in tropical Africa 1900-1901 (subsp. Agricola pallidusBatis, syn. Bostrychia hagedash brevirostris, syn. Calamonastes simplex, subsp. Calandrella blanfordi, subsp. Camaroptera brachyura, syn. Cinnyris erythrocercus, subsp. Cinnyris nectarinioides, syn. Cisticola lugubris, subsp. Colius striatus, syn. Coturnix coturnix africana, syn. Crithagra reichardi striatipectus, syn. Eremomela flavicrissalis, syn. Estrilda astrild peasei, subsp. Eupodotis senegalensis, subsp. Eurocephalus ruppelli, subsp. Falco biarmicus, subsp. Galerida theklae, subsp. Glareola pratincola, subsp. Gyps rueppelli, syn. Halcyon albiventris orientalis, syn. Indicator minor teitensis, syn. Laniarius nigerrimus, syn. Lanius senator, subsp. Neophedina cincta, syn. Nilaus afer minor, syn. Oenanthe melanura neumanni, syn. Otus scops, syn. Phylloscopus sibilatrix, syn. Pinarochroa sordida, syn. Plocepasser mahali propinquatus, subsp. Prinia somalica, subsp. Pterocles exustus, syn. Ptilopsis granti, subsp. Salpornis salvadori, subsp. Smutsornis africanus, syn. Sylvietta isabellina, syn. Tchagra senegalus habessinicus, syn. Turtur chalcospilos, syn. Tychaedon quadrivirgata, subsp. Tyto alba, syn. Urorhipis rufifrons smithi, syn. Zosterops poliogastrus).

Thekla's Lark (ruficolor)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae ruficolor
L. rufus  rufous; color, coloris  colour.

Thekla's Lark (theresae)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae theresae
● Dr Theresa Rachel Clay (1911-1995) British parasitologist, authority on bird-lice, collector (syn. Alauda arvensis, syn. Anthus pratensis whistleri, syn. Bucanetes githaginea zedlitzi, syn. Coccothraustes coccothraustes buvryi, syn. Crithagra albogularis sordahlae, syn. Emberiza sahari, subsp. Galerida theklae, syn. Garrulus glandarius minor, subsp. Lanius excubitor, subsp. Melierax metabates, syn. Oenanthe moesta, subsp. Onychognathus tenuirostris, syn. Ptyonoprogne rupestris, Pyrgilauda, syn. Saxicola rubicola hibernans, syn. Scleroptila psilolaema elgonensis, subsp. Scotocerca saharae, syn. Spizocorys sclateri, syn. Sylvia nana, syn. Turdoides caudatus salvadorii, syn. Turdus viscivorus deichleri).
● Therese Charlotte Maria Anna Princess of Bavaria (1850–1925) German zoologist, anthropologist, explorer, daughter of Luitpold Prince-Regent of Bavaria (subsp. Hapalopsittaca amazonina).
● Probably after the Maria Theresa thaler or dollar, a silver-bullion coin much in demand in Africa and the Middle East (named after Maria Theresa Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary (1717-1780; reigned 1740-1780)); "Scents and hair-oil were also very much sought after by the people of Bornu, a fact which, I think, revealed a trace of their Eastern origin. They did not care at all for beads, preferring the Maria Theresa dollar, which they beat and made into silver ornaments" (Alexander 1907) (Mark Brown and Martin Schneider in litt.)) (syn. Indicator maculatus stictithorax).
● Teresa Cristina Maria Princess of the Two Sicilies and Empress Consort of Brazil (1822-1889; reigned 1843-1889) renowned for her generosity, patience and support of Brazilian culture (Joek Roex in litt.) (subsp. Hylophylax naevius).
● Therese "Resi" Reiser née Höfner (1860-1953) wife of Austrian ornithologist Dr Otmar Reiser (Martin Schneider in litt.) (syn. Ramphastos vitellinus ariel).

Thekla's Lark (superflua)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae superflua
superflua / superfluus
L. superfluus  abundant, overflowing  < superfluere  to overflow.

Thekla's Lark (carolinae)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae carolinae
● Caroline Amanda La Touche née Focken (d. 1945) wife of Irish ornithologist John Digues La Touche (subsp. Brachypteryx leucophris).
● Caroline Bernus Baronin von Erlanger (1843-1918) mother of German ornithologist Victor Carl Heinrich Freiherr von Erlanger (subsp. Galerida theklae).
● Karoline Augusta Princess of Bavaria (1792-1873) Crown-Princess of Württemberg, Empress-Consort of Austria and Queen-Consort of Hungary and Bohemia (syn. Guaruba guarouba).
● Caroline M. Rozendaal-Kortekaas (fl. 2013) collector and wife of Dutch ornithologist Frank G. Rozendaal (Horornis).
● Carolina Lydia Junge née Slingervoet Ramondt (b. 1904) wife of Dutch zoologist Dr George Christofell Alexander Junge (subsp. Macgregoria pulchra, subsp. Pitohui kirhocephalus).
● Caroline Elisabeth Louise von Breidenbach zu Breidenstein Baronin von Rosenberg (fl. 1888) wife of German naturalist and explorer Carl Freiherr von Rosenberg (Björn Bergenholtz and Laurent Raty in litt.) (Tanysiptera).
● Caroline Ash (fl. 1981) daughter of British ornithologist and collector John Ash (subsp. Turdoides squamulata).
● Carrie McGregor Brandt (fl. 1937) wife of US ornithologist Herbert William Brandt (subsp. Vireo huttoni).

Thekla's Lark (praetermissa)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae praetermissa
praetermissa / praetermissus
L. praetermissus  overlooked, neglected  < praetermittere  to omit  < praeter  beyond; mittere  to send.

Thekla's Lark (huei)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae huei
François Hüe (1905-1972) French ornithologist (subsp. Galerida theklae).

Thekla's Lark (huriensis)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae huriensis
Huri Hills, Kenya.

Thekla's Lark (ellioti)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae ellioti
● Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915) US ornithologist, founding member of AOU (subsp. Amazilia violiceps, syn. Anthracothorax aurulentusAtthis, subsp. Galerida theklae (ex Galerida pallida Elliot), syn. Guttera pucherani, syn. Meleagris gallopavo intermedia, syn. Porphyrio melanotus samoensis, ‡Pseudastrapia, syn. Pterocles senegallus, Syrmaticus, Tanysiptera).
● Mt. Elliot, northern Queensland, Australia (syn. Philemon corniculatus).

Thekla's Lark (harrarensis)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae harrarensis
Harar, eastern Ethiopia.

Thekla's Lark (mallablensis)
SCI Name: Galerida theklae mallablensis
Mallable, southern Somalia.