Falcated Wren-Babbler

Falcated Wren-Babbler / Ptilocichla falcata

Falcated Wren-Babbler

Here the details of the Falcated Wren-Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ptilocichla falcata
Protonym:  Ptilocichla falcata Trans.Linn.Soc.London(2), 1 p.332 pl.50 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pellorneidae /
Taxonomy Code:  fawbab1
Type Locality:  Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Pellorneidae; Ϯ Falcated Wren-babbler P. falcata) Gr. πτιλον ptilon  feather; κιχλη kikhlē  thrush; “The little fellow was in the thickest wood, hopping about on the ground, and puffing himself out like a ball of feathers” (Steere in Sharpe 1877); “PTILOCICHLA, gen. n.  Allied to Turdinus, but distinguished at a glance by the long drooping sickle-shaped plumes on the sides of the lower back.  The type is: — 70. PTILOCICHLA FALCATA, sp. n.” (Sharpe 1877).
Var. Ptiocichla.

L. falcatus  sickle-shaped  < falx, falcis  sickle.
• "—[Anas]— falcata L.  Sichelente  ...   Alarum remiges primores 10, ut earum tectrices griseae, secundariae 15.  Pennae axillares 5. griseae composita ala supra remiges primores porriguntur falcata inflexae.  Speculum viride-splendens, supra fascia alba donatum." (Georgi 1775) (pace Gruson 1972, “reference to the shape of the species’ claws”) (Mareca).
• "PACHYCEPHALA FALCATA Gould.  ...  Adult male.  ..   throat white, bounded below by a distinct crescent of black" (Gould 1843) (subsp. Pachycephala rufiventris).
• "70. PTILOCICHLA FALCATA, sp. n.  ...  dorso toto nigricanti-brunneo, plumis late medialiter fulvis, dorsi postici plumis longis, laxis, falcatis, dependentibus, brunneis vel nigricantibus late albo striatis" (Sharpe 1877) (see Ptilocichla) (Ptilocichla).