Sulphur-billed Nuthatch

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch / Sitta oenochlamys

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch

Here the details of the Sulphur-billed Nuthatch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sitta oenochlamys
Protonym:  Dendrophila oenochlamys Trans.Linn.Soc.London(2), 1 p.338 pl.53 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sittidae /
Taxonomy Code:  subnut1
Type Locality:  Guimaras, Philippine Islands.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Sittidae; Ϯ Eurasian Nuthatch S. europaea) Late Med. L. sitta (Turner 1544) nuthatch  < Gr. σιττη sittē  bird like a woodpecker mentioned by Aristotle, Callimachus, and Hesychius; "55. SITTA.  Rostrum subcultrato-conicum, rectum, porrectum: integerrimum, mandibula superiore obtusiuscula.  Lingua lacero-emarginata." (Linnaeus 1758); "Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 115. Type, by monotypy, Sitta europaea Linnaeus." (Greenway in Peters 1967, XII, 125). Linnaeus's Sitta comprised a single species.
Var. Sitla, Sida.
Synon. Arctositta, Callisitta, Cyanositta,  Dendrophila, Homositta, Leptositta, Melositta, Mesositta, Micrositta, Oenositta, Orthorynchus, Poecilositta, Poliositta, Rupisitta, Sittella.

Gr. οινος oinos  wine; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  mantle.


Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (mesoleuca)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys mesoleuca
mesoleuca / mesoleucus
Gr. μεσολευκος mesoleukos  middling-white, streaked white, black gemstone with a white stripe  < μεσος mesos  half, middle; λευκος leukos  white.

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (isarog)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys isarog
Mt. Isarog, Camarines Sur, Luzon, Philippines.

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (oenochlamys)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys oenochlamys
Gr. οινος oinos  wine; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  mantle.

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (lilacea)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys lilacea
Mod. L. lilaceus lilac-, lilac-coloured, lilaceous < French lilac lilac < Persian lilak bluish.

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (apo)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys apo
Mt. Apo, Mindanao, Philippines.

Sulphur-billed Nuthatch (zamboanga)
SCI Name: Sitta oenochlamys zamboanga
Zamboanga Peninsula, western Mindanao, Philippines.