Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher

Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher / Tanysiptera nigriceps

Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher

Here the details of the Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tanysiptera nigriceps
Protonym:  Tanysiptera nigriceps Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.105
Taxonomy:  Coraciiformes / Alcedinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bubpak2
Type Locality:  Duke of York Island.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Alcedinidae; Ϯ Moluccan Paradise Kingfisher T. nais) Gr. τανυσιπτερος tanusipteros  long-feathered  < τανυ- tanu- long-  < τεινω teinō  to stretch;
-πτερος -pteros  -feathered  < πτερον pteron  feather; “That singular and beautiful species of the Linnean Alcedo, the Ternate Kingsfisher*, shows the equal approximation of that genus to Galbula, and a deviation from its own type. Its tail deserts the shortened character of that of the true Kingsfisher, and assumes the lengthened and graduated conformation of the same member in the Paradise Jacamar, and the other long-tailed Galbulæ.  ...  *This beautiful species exhibits so strong a deviation from the Halcyonidæ in general, that it requires a separate station in the family: and I take this opportunity of characterizing the group as follows, under the generic title of  TANYSIPTERA.  Rostrum subbreve, subcrassum, rectum, acutum, naribus ovalibus. Cauda gradata, rectricibus duabus longissimis.   DEA. ...  Alcedo Dea. Linn. Syst. i. p. 181. 13.  Ispida Ternatana. Briss. vol. iv. p. 525. t. 40. f.2.  Martin-Pêcheur de Ternate. Buff. Pl. Enl. 116.  The specimens of this species which are brought to Europe are generally deprived of their wings and legs. I am therefore prevented from referring to those members in my generic description.” (Vigors 1825); "Tanysiptera Vigors, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 14, 1825, p. 433, note. Type, by monotypy, Alcedo dea Linné, 1766, not Alcedo dea Linné, 1758 = Tanysiptera nais G. R. Gray." (Peters 1945, V, 216).  
Var. Tanysyptera.
Synon. Edquista, Uralcyon.

L. niger  black; -ceps  -headed  < caput, capitis  head.


Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher (leucura)
SCI Name: Tanysiptera nigriceps leucura
Gr. λευκουρος leukouros  white-tailed  < λευκος leukos  white; -ουρος -ouros  -tailed  < ουρα oura tail.
● (J. Gmelin 1789) ex “White-tailed Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Myiomela leucura).
● ex “White-tailed Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Oenanthe).
● ex “Gros-bec du Canada” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 135, fig. 1 (subsp. Pinicola enucleator).
● ex “Black Sandpiper” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1787 (syn. Tringa ochropus). 

Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher (nigriceps)
SCI Name: Tanysiptera nigriceps nigriceps
L. niger  black; -ceps  -headed  < caput, capitis  head.