Gray-headed Fish-Eagle

Gray-headed Fish-Eagle / Haliaeetus ichthyaetus

Gray-headed Fish-Eagle

Here the details of the Gray-headed Fish-Eagle named bird below:

SCI Name:  Haliaeetus ichthyaetus
Protonym:  Falco Ichthyaetus Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1), 13 p.136
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  gyhfie1
Type Locality:  Java.
Publish Year:  1821
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ White-tailed Eagle H. albicilla) L. haliaetus or haliaetos  sea-eagle, osprey  < Gr. ἁλιαιετος haliaietos  sea-eagle, osprey  < ἁλι- hali-  sea-  < ἁλς hals, ἁλος halos  sea; αετος aetos  eagle; "6. HALIÆETUS. Bec assez droit à la base; cire convexe; narines lunulées, transverses; tarses épais, écailleux: ongles intérieur et postérieur grands.  ...  GENRE VI, HALIÆETUS.  ...  ESPÈCE.  9. HALIÆETUS Nisus.  L'Aigle de mer." (de Savigny 1809): based on Aλιαιετος, Nisus, and Haliæetos of ancient authors, "Pygargus" and "Albicilla" of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, and Vultur Albicilla Linnaeus, 1766; "Haliæetus Savigny, Descr. Égypte, Ois., 1809, p. 68, 85. Type, by monotypy, Haliæetus nisus Savigny = Falco albicilla Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 257). 
Var. HaliaeatusHaliaetos, Haliaetus, HaliacetusHalaeetus, Halioetus, Halyaetus, Heliaeetus
Synon. Blagrus, Cuncuma, Ossifraga, Pontoaetus, Thalasoaetus.

Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus  fish; αετος aetos  eagle.

● (syn. Ichthyophaga Ϯ Grey-headed Fish Eagle I. ichthyaetus) Specific name Falco ichthyaetus Horsfield, 1821; "3. Untergeschlecht. Sperberaare, Ichthyaëtus *), Lafr. (humilis, Müller, ichthyaëtus, Horsf.)  ...  *) Der Name Ichthyaëtus ist hier besser angewandt, als ich ihn bei den Möven gebrauchte" (Kaup 1844) (see Ichthyetus).   Var. Ichthyiaetus, Ichtyaetos.
● (syn. Larus Ϯ Great Black-headed Gull L. ichthyaetus) Specific name Larus ichthyaetus Pallas, 1773; "Rabenmöve. Ichthyaëtus.  E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Larus.  Ch[arakter]. Riesenmäßige Krähenmöven.  L[ebensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Krähenmöven; sind aber mehr räuberischer Natur" (Kaup 1829); given in allusion to the predatory habits of the Great Black-headed Gull. In Kaup's list this entry was followed by that of "Rabe. Corvus".  Var. Ichthaetus.
● (syn. Pandion Ϯ Osprey P. haliaetus) Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus, ιχθυος ikhthuos  fish; αετος aetos  eagle; "Common Osprey, Ichthyaëtus piscivorus.‡  ...  ‡ Here the fish-eating is given both as a general and specific character, which is decidedly objectionable.—ED." (Sweeting 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz).   Var. Icthyaetus, Ichthyaeetus, Ichthiyaetus, Ichtyaetos.