Rufous-backed Sibia

Rufous-backed Sibia / Minla annectens

Rufous-backed Sibia

Here the details of the Rufous-backed Sibia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Minla annectens
Protonym:  L[eioptila]. annectans J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 16 p.450
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Leiothrichidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rubsib1
Type Locality:  Darjeeling, West Bengal.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ Red-tailed Minla M. ignotincta) Nepalese name Minla for the Red-tailed Minla (see Proparus); "Genus Minla Nobis.  Minla of the Nipalese.  ...  New species and type. Minla Ignotincta nobis" (Hodgson 1837).
Synon. Certhiparus, Proparus.

annectans / annectens
L. annectens, annectentis  connecting  < annectere  to connect.
“Annectans nobis.  Annectant Bhuchanga nobis.  A singular species, returning, both by its form and habits, towards the forest,-haunting [sic] birds first described, through the 3rd or Tectirostris [= Dicrurus remifer], which it very closely resembles in the form of its bill” (Hodgson 1836) (see Bhuchanga) (Dicrurus).
● “This form serves to connect Sibia Hodg., as exemplified by S. capistrata, with Yuhina but cannot be placed satisfactorily with either.” (Blyth 1847) (Heterophasia).
● "Passerella iliaca annectens, subsp. nov.  YAKUTAT FOX SPARROW.  Similar to P. i. insularis but smaller (the bill especially) and coloration slightly darker; similar to P. i. townsendi, but the brown color less castaneous" (Ridgway 1900) (subsp. Passerella unalaschcensis).


Rufous-backed Sibia (annectens)
SCI Name: Minla annectens annectens
annectans / annectens
L. annectens, annectentis  connecting  < annectere  to connect.
“Annectans nobis.  Annectant Bhuchanga nobis.  A singular species, returning, both by its form and habits, towards the forest,-haunting [sic] birds first described, through the 3rd or Tectirostris [= Dicrurus remifer], which it very closely resembles in the form of its bill” (Hodgson 1836) (see Bhuchanga) (Dicrurus).
● “This form serves to connect Sibia Hodg., as exemplified by S. capistrata, with Yuhina but cannot be placed satisfactorily with either.” (Blyth 1847) (Heterophasia).
● "Passerella iliaca annectens, subsp. nov.  YAKUTAT FOX SPARROW.  Similar to P. i. insularis but smaller (the bill especially) and coloration slightly darker; similar to P. i. townsendi, but the brown color less castaneous" (Ridgway 1900) (subsp. Passerella unalaschcensis).

Rufous-backed Sibia (saturata)
SCI Name: Minla annectens saturata
L. saturatus  richly coloured, darker coloured  < satur, satura  rich, copious  < satis  enough.

Rufous-backed Sibia (mixta)
SCI Name: Minla annectens mixta
mixta / mixtum / mixtus
L. mixtus  mixed, mingled  < miscere  to mix.
● "they may with certainty be separated from both P[achyprora]. molitor and P[achyprora]. capensis, of both of which species they unite certain characteristics" (Shelley 1889) (Batis).
● ex “Pic de l’Encénade” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 748, fig. 1, “Épeiche varié de la Encénada” of de Buffon 1770-1785, and “Encenada Woodpecker” of Latham 1783 (Veniliornis).

Rufous-backed Sibia (roundi)
SCI Name: Minla annectens roundi
Prof. Philip David Round (b. 1953) British ornithologist, conservationist (subsp. Leioptila annectens).

Rufous-backed Sibia (eximia)
SCI Name: Minla annectens eximia
L. eximius  select, distinguished  < eximere  to take away  < emere  to purchase.