Nubian Woodpecker

Nubian Woodpecker / Campethera nubica

Nubian Woodpecker

Here the details of the Nubian Woodpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Campethera nubica
Protonym:  Picus Nubicus TablePlanchesEnlum. p.41
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  nubwoo1
Type Locality:  Nubia, based on Daubenton, PI. enlum, pi. 667.
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Little Green Woodpecker C. maculosa) Gr. καμπη kampē  caterpillar; -θηρας -thēras  hunter  < θηραω thēraō  to hunt  < θηρ thēr, θηρος thēros  beast, animal; "CAMPETHERA, G. R. Gray (1841).  Dendromus a, Swains.  Picus, Swains.  C. brachyrhyncha, (Swains.) G. R. Gray.   ...   a Used in Mammalogy." (G. Gray 1841); "Campethera G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 70.  New name for Dendromus Swainson, 1837, preoccupied by Dendromus A. Smith, 1829 (Mammalia)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Campetherus, Campothera.
Synon. Chrysopicos, Chrysoptilopicus, Cnipotheres, Dendromus, Ipagrus, Notopicus, Pardipicus, Stictocraugus, Stictopicus.

nuba / nubica
L. Nuba Nubian (ancient Nubia, the land of negroes, lay in the Nile valley to the south of Egypt).
● ex “Pic tacheté de Nubie” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 667, and “Épeiche de Nubie ondé et tacheté” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Campethera).


Nubian Woodpecker (nubica)
SCI Name: Campethera nubica nubica
nuba / nubica
L. Nuba Nubian (ancient Nubia, the land of negroes, lay in the Nile valley to the south of Egypt).
● ex “Pic tacheté de Nubie” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 667, and “Épeiche de Nubie ondé et tacheté” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Campethera).

Nubian Woodpecker (pallida)
SCI Name: Campethera nubica pallida
L. pallidus  pallid, pale, wan, sallow  < pallere  to be pale.