Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern / Thalasseus sandvicensis

Sandwich Tern

Here the details of the Sandwich Tern named bird below:

SCI Name:  Thalasseus sandvicensis
Protonym:  Sterna sandvicensis Gen.Syn.BirdsSuppl. p.296
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Laridae /
Taxonomy Code:  santer1
Type Locality:  Sandwich, Kent, England, based on the Sandwich Tern, Gen. Syn., 5, p. 356.
Publish Year:  1787
IUCN Status:  


(Laridae; Ϯ Sandwich Tern T. sandvicensis) Gr. θαλασσευς thalasseus  fisherman  < θαλασσα thalassa, θαλασσης thalassēs  sea; "140. Gattung. Thalasseus. 3   358. caspia.  359. cantiaca.  360. anglica.   ...   3 Unterscheidendes Merkmal der Gattung, der verhältnißmäßig größere und dickere Schnabel." (Boie 1822); "Genus Thalasseus Fr. Boie l. c.  ...  1. Th. cantiacus (Turopa [sic])  ...  2. Th. velox. (Africa)" (Wagler 1832); "Thalasseus Boie, Isis von Oken, 1822, Bd. 1, col. 563. Type, by subsequent designation, "Th. cantiacus" = Sterna cantiaca Gmelin = Sterna sandvicensis Latham (Wagler, Isis von Oken, 1832, col. 1225)." (Peters 1934, II, 341).
Synon. Actochelidon, Pelecanopus, Thalassema.
● (syn. Hydroprogne Ϯ Caspian Tern H. caspia) "THALASSEUS, Boie, 1822.  ...  (Sterna caspia, Pall.)" (G. Gray 1855).  Var. Thallaseus.

sandvicensis / sandvichensis / sandwichensis
● Sandwich I. (= Faté = Efaté), New Hebrides (subsp. Chalcophaps longirostris).
Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.) (named after John Montagu 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) First Lord of the Admiralty 1771-1782); ex “Sandwich Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Chasiempis).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex “Sandwich Thrush” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (syn. Chasiempis sandwichensis).
● Unalaska I. and Sandwich Sound, Alaska (cf. “Named after Sandwich Island, one of the Kurile or Aleutian Archipelago” (Coues 1882)); ex “Unalaska Bunting” of Pennant 1785, and “Sandwich Bunting” of Latham 1785 (Passerculus).
● Sandwich, Kent, England; ex “Sandwich Tern” of Latham 1785 (Thalasseus).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex "Sandwich Rail" of Latham 1785 (‡Zapornia).


Sandwich Tern (Eurasian)
SCI Name: Thalasseus sandvicensis sandvicensis
sandvicensis / sandvichensis / sandwichensis
● Sandwich I. (= Faté = Efaté), New Hebrides (subsp. Chalcophaps longirostris).
Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.) (named after John Montagu 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) First Lord of the Admiralty 1771-1782); ex “Sandwich Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Chasiempis).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex “Sandwich Thrush” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (syn. Chasiempis sandwichensis).
● Unalaska I. and Sandwich Sound, Alaska (cf. “Named after Sandwich Island, one of the Kurile or Aleutian Archipelago” (Coues 1882)); ex “Unalaska Bunting” of Pennant 1785, and “Sandwich Bunting” of Latham 1785 (Passerculus).
● Sandwich, Kent, England; ex “Sandwich Tern” of Latham 1785 (Thalasseus).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex "Sandwich Rail" of Latham 1785 (‡Zapornia).

Sandwich Tern (Cabot's)
SCI Name: Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus
acuflavida / acuflavidus
L. acus  needle; flavidus  yellowish  < flavus  golden-yellow.

Sandwich Tern (Cayenne)
SCI Name: Thalasseus sandvicensis eurygnathus
eurygnatha / eurygnathus
Gr. ευρυς eurus  broad; γναθος gnathos  lower jaw.