Golden Parrotbill

Golden Parrotbill / Suthora verreauxi

Golden Parrotbill

Here the details of the Golden Parrotbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Suthora verreauxi
Protonym:  Suthora verreauxi Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 7 p.486,488
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sylviidae /
Taxonomy Code:  golpar2
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1883
IUCN Status:  


(Sylviidae; Ϯ Black-throated Parrotbill S. nipalensis) Nepalese name Suthora  < Sugathora  parrotbill, for the Black-throated Parrotbill (see Temnoris); "By Erythrocephalus I pass, however, to a new subgeneric (?) type, too marked to be confounded with Parus; and which I shall denominate  Suthora, from the native name, which is a contraction of Sugathora, quasi Psitticirostrum.  Genus Parus.  Subgenus Suthora nobis.  Bill in the highest degree short, stout, and solid; exceedingly compressed throughout and truncated; as high at the base as long, with plane sides and obtuse ridges, the latter of which are greatly convexed from above and below in all their length: mandibles equal: tomiæ free and blunt: points squared.  ...  New species and type. Suthora Nipalensis nobis" (Hodgson 1837).
Var. Sutoria, Sutora.
Synon. Hemirhynchus, Temnoris.

veroxii / verrauxi / verrauxii / verreauxi
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) and his brother Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) French natural history dealers (syn. Anurolimnas castaneiceps, syn. Larus dominicanus).
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) French natural history dealer, collector (syn. Bubo lacteus, subsp. Cinnyricinclus leucogaster, Coua, subsp. Criniger calurus, syn. Cryptomicroeca flaviventris (ex Eopsaltria flavigastra J. Verreaux & des Murs, 1860), syn. Dryoscopus senegalensis, syn. Eupodotis caerulescens, Guttera, Leptotila, Rhipidura, Suthora (ex Suthora gularis J. Verreaux, 1871)).
● Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) French natural history dealer (Cyanomitra). This eponym has been amended to verreauxiverreauxii, and verroxii.
● see also verreauxii


Golden Parrotbill (verreauxi)
SCI Name: Suthora verreauxi verreauxi
veroxii / verrauxi / verrauxii / verreauxi
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) and his brother Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) French natural history dealers (syn. Anurolimnas castaneiceps, syn. Larus dominicanus).
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) French natural history dealer, collector (syn. Bubo lacteus, subsp. Cinnyricinclus leucogaster, Coua, subsp. Criniger calurus, syn. Cryptomicroeca flaviventris (ex Eopsaltria flavigastra J. Verreaux & des Murs, 1860), syn. Dryoscopus senegalensis, syn. Eupodotis caerulescens, Guttera, Leptotila, Rhipidura, Suthora (ex Suthora gularis J. Verreaux, 1871)).
● Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) French natural history dealer (Cyanomitra). This eponym has been amended to verreauxiverreauxii, and verroxii.
● see also verreauxii

Golden Parrotbill (craddocki)
SCI Name: Suthora verreauxi craddocki
W. H. Craddock (1874-1964) British forestry officer in Burma and Malaya (subsp. Suthora verreauxi).

Golden Parrotbill (pallida)
SCI Name: Suthora verreauxi pallida
L. pallidus  pallid, pale, wan, sallow  < pallere  to be pale.

Golden Parrotbill (morrisoniana)
SCI Name: Suthora verreauxi morrisoniana
morrisonia / morrisoniana / morrisonianum / morrisonianus
Mt. Morrison, Formosa (= Yü Shān or Hsin Kao Shān, the highest mountain in Taiwan) (named for Capt. W. Morrison, US mariner who sighted the mountain in 1857).