Musk Duck

Musk Duck / Biziura lobata

Musk Duck

Here the details of the Musk Duck named bird below:

SCI Name:  Biziura lobata
Protonym:  Anas lobata Nat.Misc. 8 pl.255,text
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  musduc1
Type Locality:  New South Wales = King George Sound, Western Australia, fide Mathews, 1915, Birds Australia, 4, p. 143.
Publish Year:  1796
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Musk Duck B. lobata) Gr. βιζηαι bizēai  straws (originally the name for a straw mattress or matting) (cf. βυζην buzēn  thick, matted); ουρα oura  tail; "BIZIURA.  LOBEDUCK.  ...  Cauda rotundata, rectricibus acutis.  Tail rounded, its feathers acute.  BIZIURA. Leach MSS.  This singular genus of Ducks is characterized by having a large excrescence or membranous wattle hanging downwards from the lower mandible of its beak, and by having the beak itself of a robust form and very broad. It is much allied to the Scoters, and also to the Eiders, but will not agree with either.   NEW HOLLAND LOBEDUCK. (Biziura Novæ Hollandiæ.)  ...  Anas lobata. Shaw, Nat. Misc. viii. pl. 255.  Lobated Duck. Lath. Gen. Syn. Sup. ii. p. 349"  (Stephens 1824); "Biziura Stephens, in Shaw, Gen. Zoöl., 12, pt. 2, 1824, p. 221. Type, by monotypy, Biziura novaehollandiae Stephens = Anas lobata Shaw." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 185).
Var. Riziura.
Synon. HydrobatesHygrobates, Pileata.

lobata / lobatus
Mod. L. lobatus lobed < Late L. lobus lobe < Gr. λοβος lobos lobe.
● "78. TRINGA.  ...  tobata.  5. T. rostro subulato apice inflexo, pedibus virescentibus lobatis, abdomine albido.  Tringa fusca, pedibus fulicæ. Edw. av. 143. t. 143. & 46. t. 46.  Habitat in America septentrionali, Lapponia.  Rostrum tenuissimum est; procellosa tempestate natat gregaria.   ...   EMENDANDA.  ...  pag. 148. lin. 5    tobata lege lobata." (Linnaeus 1758) (Phalaropus).


Musk Duck (lobata)
SCI Name: Biziura lobata lobata
lobata / lobatus
Mod. L. lobatus lobed < Late L. lobus lobe < Gr. λοβος lobos lobe.
● "78. TRINGA.  ...  tobata.  5. T. rostro subulato apice inflexo, pedibus virescentibus lobatis, abdomine albido.  Tringa fusca, pedibus fulicæ. Edw. av. 143. t. 143. & 46. t. 46.  Habitat in America septentrionali, Lapponia.  Rostrum tenuissimum est; procellosa tempestate natat gregaria.   ...   EMENDANDA.  ...  pag. 148. lin. 5    tobata lege lobata." (Linnaeus 1758) (Phalaropus).

Musk Duck (menziesi)
SCI Name: Biziura lobata menziesi
Archibald Menzies (1754-1842) Royal Navy, naturalist-surgeon, botanist, explorer, collector (Justin Jansen in litt.) (subsp. Biziura lobata).