Green-backed Kingfisher

Green-backed Kingfisher / Actenoides monachus

Green-backed Kingfisher

Here the details of the Green-backed Kingfisher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Actenoides monachus
Protonym:  Halcyon (Paralcyon) monachus Consp.Gen.Av. 1 p.154
Taxonomy:  Coraciiformes / Alcedinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grbkin1
Type Locality:  Celebes.
Publish Year:  1850
IUCN Status:  


(Alcedinidae; Green-backed Kingfisher A. monachus) Gr. ακτις aktis, ακτινος aktinos  beam, brightness, splendour (cf. specific name Dacelo acteon Lesson, 1830 (= subsp. Halcyon leucocephala); cf. “Actenoïde variée” of Hombron & Jacquinot MS 1845); -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Actenoides, Hombr. et Jacq. (Halcyon p. Gr.)  HALCYON ACTENOIDES, Gr. (Actenoides hombroni, Bp.) Voy. Pole Sud, Ois. t. 23. ex Oceania" (Bonaparte 1850); "ACTENOIDES Bonaparte, 1850 M — Actenoides hombroni Bonaparte, 1850; type by monotypy" (Dickinson and Remsen (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2013, 1 (Non-passerines), p. 342).
Var. Aetenoides, Actenoide, Actinoides.
Synon. Astacophilus, Caridagrus, Dacelalcyon.

Late L. monachus monk (e.g. hooded, black-capped) < Gr. μοναχος monakhos monk < μονος monos solitary < μοναχοω monakhoō to make single.
● ex “Crested or Coped Black Vulture. Vultur cristatus niger” of Edwards 1760, and “Vultur arabicus” of Brisson 1760 (Aegypius).
● the "Coucoua capucin" of Lesson 1830: "plumage ferrugineux" (syn. Coccycua minuta).
● ex “Perruche à poitrine grise” of d’Aubenton 17765-1781, pl. 768, “Perruche-Souris” of de Buffon 1770-1785, and “Grey-breasted Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (Myiopsitta).

(syn. Sylvia Ϯ Blackcap S. atricapilla) Late L. monachus  monk (e.g. hooded, black-capped)  < Gr. μοναχος monakhos  monk  < μονος monos  solitary  < μοναχοω monakhoō  to make single; "8. Sylvia atricapilla.  ...  8. Mönch. Monachus. (Sylvia atricapilla.)  ...  Char[akter]. Grasmücken mit schwarzem Kopfe, befiederten Augenliedern und schwachem Schnabel.   Leb[ensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Grasmücken, lieben aber Gärten und Anlagen. Der Gesang ist in seiner höchsten Vollendung" (Kaup 1829).


Green-backed Kingfisher (Blue-headed)
SCI Name: Actenoides monachus monachus
Late L. monachus monk (e.g. hooded, black-capped) < Gr. μοναχος monakhos monk < μονος monos solitary < μοναχοω monakhoō to make single.
● ex “Crested or Coped Black Vulture. Vultur cristatus niger” of Edwards 1760, and “Vultur arabicus” of Brisson 1760 (Aegypius).
● the "Coucoua capucin" of Lesson 1830: "plumage ferrugineux" (syn. Coccycua minuta).
● ex “Perruche à poitrine grise” of d’Aubenton 17765-1781, pl. 768, “Perruche-Souris” of de Buffon 1770-1785, and “Grey-breasted Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (Myiopsitta).

Green-backed Kingfisher (Black-headed)
SCI Name: Actenoides monachus capucinus
capucina / capucinus
Old French capucin hood, Capuchin friar < Italian cappuccio hood, cowl < Late L. cappa hood, cap.