Yellow-winged Blackbird

Yellow-winged Blackbird / Agelasticus thilius

Yellow-winged Blackbird

Here the details of the Yellow-winged Blackbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Agelasticus thilius
Protonym:  Turdus Thilius SaggioStoriaNat.Chile p.250,345
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Icteridae /
Taxonomy Code:  yewbla2
Type Locality:  Chile.
Publish Year:  1782
IUCN Status:  


(Icteridae; Ϯ Yellow-winged Blackbird A. thilius) Gr. αγελαστικος agelastikos  gregarious  < αγελη agelē  herd  < αγω agō  to lead; "Gen. AGELASTICUS nov. gen. *) Thili oder Rohr-Hordenvogel.   914.  1. A. Thilius Nob. — Turdus Thilius Molina Hist. Nat. Chili pag. 221. — Xanthornus chrysocarpus Vig. Proc. Zool. 1832. p. 3. — id. Gray Gen. Birds No. 5. — Mimus Thilius Gray Gen. B. No. 14. — Icterus chrysopterus Tschudi Faun. peruan. Ornith. p. 34 et 226. (excl. Synon)? — Agelaius xanthocarpus Bonap. Consp. p. 430 No. 5. hornot.   ...   *)Von αγελασπικος [sic], gesellig, in Heerden lebend. Die Gattung unterscheidet sich von Agelaeus durch verhältnissmässig schwächeren, weniger hohen, gestreckteren, längeren und spitzern Schnabel, sowie durch kürzere Flügel u s. w.   Als 2te Art gehört hierher: Agelasticus chrysapterus [sic] Nob. - Agelaius chrysopterus Vieill; Xanthornus! chrysopterus Hartl. nec Vig!  ...  Xanthornus chrysopterus Vig. ist der Typus unsrer Gattung Archiplanus und darf nicht mit dem gleichnamigen Vogel Hartlaub's verwechselt werden." (Cabanis 1853) (Both errors in the diagnosis are corrected in the list of misprints after p. 233); "Agelasticus Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 188, Oct., 1851 [= 1853] —type, by virtual monotypy, Turdus thilius Molina." (Hellmayr, 1937, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. X, p. 159).
Synon. Thilius.

Chilean onomatopoeic names Trile or Thili for the Yellow-winged Blackbird (Agelasticus).

(syn. Agelasticus Ϯ Yellow-winged Blackbird A. thilius) Specific name Turdus thilius Molina, 1782; "Il est impossible de ne pas séparer des Agelaius, Vieill., le genre Thilius, Bp. (Agelasticus, Cab.), qui est à ce genre ce que Pedotribes est à Trupialis, et correspond, dans sa série, à Pendulinus des Ictérés." (Bonaparte 1853).


Yellow-winged Blackbird (alticola)
SCI Name: Agelasticus thilius alticola
L. altus  high (i.e. highland, mountain)  < alere  to nourish; -cola  dweller  < colere  to inhabit.
● Erroneous TL. Fife, N.E. Rhodesia, near Nyasaland border (= Isoka, Northern Rhodesia / Zambia); "Cisticola alticola  ...  Not a Cisticola (cf. steeply graduated tail of long narrow feathers; broad-based, fine-pointed first primary; lores coloured with head-top, &c.), but nearer Apalis and allies." (Lynes 1930) (Apalis).

Yellow-winged Blackbird (thilius)
SCI Name: Agelasticus thilius thilius
Chilean onomatopoeic names Trile or Thili for the Yellow-winged Blackbird (Agelasticus).

Yellow-winged Blackbird (petersii)
SCI Name: Agelasticus thilius petersii
petersi / petersii
● Prof. Wilhelm Karl Hartwig Peters (1815-1883) German zoologist, collector in tropical Africa 1842-1848 (subsp. Podica senegalensis).
● Dr James Lee Peters (1889-1952) US ornithologist, nomenclaturist, Curator of Birds MCZ (subsp. Aethopyga saturata, subsp. Agelasticus thilius, subsp. Coccyzus longirostris, syn. Coracina schistacea, subsp. Hydrornis soror, syn. Hylatomus lineatus similis, subsp. Pheugopedius maculipectus, syn. Picoides kizuki matsudairai, syn. Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda, subsp. Schoeniophylax phryganophilusXenodacnis).
● Ernst Peters (fl. 1890) German student, collector in Venezuela 1890 (Zimmerius).