American Pygmy Kingfisher

American Pygmy Kingfisher / Chloroceryle aenea

American Pygmy Kingfisher

Here the details of the American Pygmy Kingfisher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chloroceryle aenea
Protonym:  Alcedo aenea Cat.Ois.[Vroeg]Adumbr. p.1 no.54
Taxonomy:  Coraciiformes / Alcedinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ampkin1
Type Locality:  Surinam.
Publish Year:  1764
IUCN Status:  


(Alcedinidae; Ϯ American Pygmy Kingfisher C. aenea) Gr. χλωρος khlōros  green; genus Ceryle Boie, 1828, kingfisher (see Megaceryle); "Chloroceryle Kaup (subgenus), Verh. naturhist. Ver. Grossherz. Hessen, Heft 2, 1848, p. 68. Type, by subsequent designation, Alcedo superciliosa Linné = Alcedo aenea Pallas. (Sharpe, Monogr. Alced., 1871, p. viii.)...  1 G. R. Gray's 1855 designation is invalid since he credits the genus to Reichenbach as of 1851." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 168). Due to competition from endemic families, the kingfishers Alcedinidae have undergone sparse speciation in the Americas, and the green and rufous American Pygmy Kingfisher is the smallest of only two genera and six species found there.
Synon. Amazonis.

L. aeneus  of a bronze colour, coppery, bronzed  < aes, aeris  bronze.
● ex “Palumbus moluccensis” of Brisson 1760 (Ducula).


American Pygmy Kingfisher (stictoptera)
SCI Name: Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera
stictoptera / stictopterus
Gr. στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo; -πτερος -pteros 
-winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.

American Pygmy Kingfisher (aenea)
SCI Name: Chloroceryle aenea aenea
L. aeneus  of a bronze colour, coppery, bronzed  < aes, aeris  bronze.
● ex “Palumbus moluccensis” of Brisson 1760 (Ducula).