Mangrove Finch

Mangrove Finch / Camarhynchus heliobates

Mangrove Finch

Here the details of the Mangrove Finch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Camarhynchus heliobates
Protonym:  Geospiza heliobates Condor 3 p.96
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  manfin1
Type Locality:  Tagus Cove, Albemarle, Galapagos Islands.
Publish Year:  1901
IUCN Status:  


(Thraupidaesyn. Geospiza Ϯ Large Tree-finch G. psittacula) Gr. καμαρα kamara  arch, vault; ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill; "CAMARHYNCHUS (subgenus).   CAMARHYNCHUS differt a genere Geospiza, rostro debiliore, margine mandibulæ superioris minus indentato; culmine minus elevato in frontem et plus arcuato; lateribus tumidioribus; mandibula inferiore minus in genas tendente.   CAMARHYNCHUS PSITTACULA.  (Spec. typ.)" (Gould 1837);  "Camarhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 5, p. 6, Oct. 3, 1837—type, by orig. desig., Camarhynchus psittacula Gould." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 137) (see Geospiza).
Var. Camarynchus, Camarorhynchus.   

Gr. ἡλιος hēlios  sun; βατης batēs  treader  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk (cf. ἡλιοβατος hēliobatos  high, huge).