Black-throated Antbird

Black-throated Antbird / Myrmophylax atrothorax

Black-throated Antbird

Here the details of the Black-throated Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myrmophylax atrothorax
Protonym:  Formicarius attothorax TablePlanchesEnlum. p.44
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bltant2
Type Locality:  Cayenne, based on Daubenton, pi. 701, fig. 2.
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Black-throated Antbird M. atrothorax) Gr. μυρμος murmos  ant; φυλαξ phulax, φυλακος phulakos  watcher, observer  < φυλασσω phulassō  to keep watch; "Myrmophylax, genus novum.  Similar to Myrmoderus Ridgway in the shape of the bill, but tail approximately equal to the wings, composed of broad black feathers, widening towards their tips; and style of coloration entirely different.  Type, Formicarius atrothorax Boddaert.  The reason for associating this group of species with Myrmoderus is not apparent.  In fact, they rather suggest Neorhopias Hellmayr, except for their more rounded wings and much stronger feet." (Todd 1927).

L. ater  black; thorax, thoracis  breastplate  < Gr. θωραξ thōrax, θωρακος thōrakos  breastplate.
● ex “Alapi de Cayenne” (= ♂) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 701, fig. 2 (Myrmophylax).


Black-throated Antbird (metae)
SCI Name: Myrmophylax atrothorax metae
● Meta, Colombia (subsp. Forpus conspicillatus).
● Río Meta, Apure, Venezuela (subsp. Icterus icterus).
● Llanos de Meta, Colombia (subsp. Myrmophylax atrothorax).

Black-throated Antbird (atrothorax)
SCI Name: Myrmophylax atrothorax atrothorax
L. ater  black; thorax, thoracis  breastplate  < Gr. θωραξ thōrax, θωρακος thōrakos  breastplate.
● ex “Alapi de Cayenne” (= ♂) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 701, fig. 2 (Myrmophylax).

Black-throated Antbird (tenebrosa)
SCI Name: Myrmophylax atrothorax tenebrosa
tenebrosa / tenebrosus
L. tenebrosus  dark, gloomy  < tenebrae  darkness.
● ex “Petit Coucou noir de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 505 (Chelidoptera).

Black-throated Antbird (maynana)
SCI Name: Myrmophylax atrothorax maynana
maynana / maynanensis / maynanus
Mayna, an Amerindian people of north-western Amazonia (cf. Maynas or Mainas, former name for a region of western Amazonia stretching from eastern Ecuador through Peru and into Brazil; cf. Maynas Province, Loreto Region, northern Peru).
● ex “Cotinga des Maynas” of Brisson 1760 (Cotinga).

Black-throated Antbird (melanura)
SCI Name: Myrmophylax atrothorax melanura
Gr. μελανουρος melanouros  with a black tail  < μελας melas, μελανος  melanos  black; -ουρος -ouros  -tailed  < ουρα oura  tail.
● ex “Cinereous Fulmar” of Latham 1785 (syn. Adamastor cinerea).
● ex “Mocking Creeper” of Latham 1782 (Anthornis).
● ex “Gros-bec de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Grey-necked Grosbeak” of Latham 1783 (syn. Eophona migratoria).