Common Scale-backed Antbird

Common Scale-backed Antbird / Willisornis poecilinotus

Common Scale-backed Antbird

Here the details of the Common Scale-backed Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Willisornis poecilinotus
Protonym:  Hypocnemis poecilonota Arch.Naturgesch. 13 p.213 pl.4 fig.2,3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  scbant3
Type Locality:  British Guiana.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Common Scale-backed Antbird W. poecilinotus) Dr Edwin O’Neill Willis (1935-2015) US ornithologist resident in Brazil; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Charles Chubb (1918) established the monotypic genus Dichropogon for the Scale-backed Antbird, originally described as Hypocnemis poecilonota Cabanis, 1847.  ...  However, this name is preoccupied by Dichropogon Bezzi, 1910, for a genus of Palaearctic asilid flies  ...  In lacking an available and potentially valid synonym, we propose to replace Dichropogon Chubb, 1918, by the name:  WILLISORNIS NOM. NOV.  ...  This genus is named after Edwin O'Neill Willis in recognition of his substantial contributions to the knowledge on the Thamnophilidae made during the past four decades" (Agne & Pacheco 2007).
Synon. Dichropogon.

Gr. ποικιλονωτος poikilonōtos  with variegated back  < ποικιλος poikilos  spotted; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.


Common Scale-backed Antbird (Common Scale-backed)
SCI Name: Willisornis poecilinotus poecilinotus
Gr. ποικιλονωτος poikilonōtos  with variegated back  < ποικιλος poikilos  spotted; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.

Common Scale-backed Antbird (Buff-breasted)
SCI Name: Willisornis poecilinotus lepidonota/duidae
(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Common Scale-backed Antbird W. poecilinotus) Dr Edwin O’Neill Willis (1935-2015) US ornithologist resident in Brazil; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Charles Chubb (1918) established the monotypic genus Dichropogon for the Scale-backed Antbird, originally described as Hypocnemis poecilonota Cabanis, 1847.  ...  However, this name is preoccupied by Dichropogon Bezzi, 1910, for a genus of Palaearctic asilid flies  ...  In lacking an available and potentially valid synonym, we propose to replace Dichropogon Chubb, 1918, by the name:  WILLISORNIS NOM. NOV.  ...  This genus is named after Edwin O'Neill Willis in recognition of his substantial contributions to the knowledge on the Thamnophilidae made during the past four decades" (Agne & Pacheco 2007).
Synon. Dichropogon.

Common Scale-backed Antbird (Black-bibbed)
SCI Name: Willisornis poecilinotus gutturalis
Med. L. gutturalis  of the throat  < L. guttur, gutturis  throat.
● ex “Plastron Noir” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 123 (syn. Apalis thoracica).
● ex “Manakin à gorge blanche” of Brisson 1760 (Corapipo).
● ex “Guttural Thrush” of Latham 1787 (syn. Pachycephala pectoralis).
● ex “Martinet à Gorge Blanche” of Levaillant 1807, pl. 243 (syn. Tachymarptis melba africana).
● ex “Merle à collier du cap de bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 272 (syn. Telophorus zeylonus).

Common Scale-backed Antbird (Gray-breasted)
SCI Name: Willisornis poecilinotus griseiventris
griseiventer / griseiventris
Med. L. griseum  grey; L. venter, ventris  belly.