Papuan Hanging-Parrot

Papuan Hanging-Parrot / Loriculus aurantiifrons

Papuan Hanging-Parrot

Here the details of the Papuan Hanging-Parrot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Loriculus aurantiifrons
Protonym:  Loriculus aurantiifrons Nederl.Tijdschr.Dierk. 4 p.9
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  paphap1
Type Locality:  Misol.
Publish Year:  1871
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot L. galgulus) Dim. < genus Lorius auct. (= Larius Boddaert, 1783 = Eclectus Wagler, 1832), parrot (cf. dim. < genus Lorius Vigors, 1825, lory; dim. L. lorica  breastplate; "uropygio pectoreque coccineis" (Linnaeus 1758)); "No. 1820. LORICULUS ASIATICUS; Psittacus asiaticus, Latham, and Ps. indicus, Gmelin,—both founded on Edwards, pl. 6, which is a good representation. The names, however, are bad, as the race would seem to be wholly confined to Ceylon: while L. vernalis inhabits all India, and the countries bordering the eastern shores of the Bay of Bengal, as far as the Tenasserim provinces where it abounds, and also Java; whereas in the Malayan peninsula there appears only to be L. galgulus.  L. asiaticus differs from L. vernalis in having the crown deep red, passing to a saffron hue on the nape, and in some specimens over much of the back; while the fore-part of the neck is tinged more or less deeply with verditer.  The nearest affinity of these Loricules is with the genus Eclectus; and there are other species in the Philippines and probably the south of China." (Blyth 1849); "Genus. LORICULUS, Blyth.   12. L. GALGULUS (Edwards, pl. 293, f. 2).  ...  Serindak, Sindada, Malacca; Serindit, Sumatra (Raffles)   ...   13. L. VERNALIS (Swainson's Zool. Ill., 2d series, pl. I).  ...  Latkan ('pendent'), Hind., Bengal; Bhorá or Bhoárá, S. India (Jerdon); Kyai-tha-da, Arakan (Phayre); Silindit, and Silinditum, Java (Horsfield)  ...  14. L. ASIATICUS (Edwards, pl. 6)  ...  Pol-Girawa, Cingh." (Blyth 1850); "Loriculus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 19, 1850, p. 236. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus galgulus Linné." (Peters 1937, III, 256); "LORICULUS Blyth, 1849  M— Psittacus galgulus Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 88)." (Dickinson & Remsen (eds.) 2013, 384).
Synon. Coryllis, Licmetulus, Psittaculus.

Late Med. L. aurantius  orange-coloured  < aurantia  orange; L. frons, frontis  forehead, brow.


Papuan Hanging-Parrot (aurantiifrons)
SCI Name: Loriculus aurantiifrons aurantiifrons
Late Med. L. aurantius  orange-coloured  < aurantia  orange; L. frons, frontis  forehead, brow.

Papuan Hanging-Parrot (batavorum)
SCI Name: Loriculus aurantiifrons batavorum
Mod. L. Batavorum of the Dutch (i.e. of the Dutch East Indies, of which Batavia was the capital) < L. Batavia Holland.

Papuan Hanging-Parrot (meeki)
SCI Name: Loriculus aurantiifrons meeki
meeki / meekiana
Albert Stewart Meek (1871-1943) English explorer, collector in New Guinea, Melanesia and Australia (syn. Amaurornis cinerea, subsp. Cacomantis flabelliformis, syn. Caprimulgus macrurus schlegelii, Ceyx, Charmosyna, syn. Coracina papuensis angustifronsCorvus, subsp. Dicrurus bracteatus, subsp. Edolisoma melas, Erythropitta, subsp. Loriculus aurantiifrons, subsp. Macropygia amboinensis, subsp. Melanocharis versteri, subsp. Melanorectes nigrescens, ‡Microgoura, Micropsitta, syn. Myzomela obscura fumata, Ninox, subsp. Oedistoma pygmaeum, subsp. Pachycephala leucogastra, subsp. Parotia carolae, subsp. Podargus ocellatus, syn. Psittaculirostris desmarestii godmani, Ptiloprora, subsp. Sericornis papuensis, subsp. Syma torotoro, subsp. Symposiachrus browni, subsp. Tyto alba, Zosterops).