New Zealand Falcon

New Zealand Falcon / Falco novaeseelandiae

New Zealand Falcon

Here the details of the New Zealand Falcon named bird below:

SCI Name:  Falco novaeseelandiae
Protonym:  Falco novae-Seelandiae Syst.Nat. 1 pt1 p.268
Taxonomy:  Falconiformes / Falconidae /
Taxonomy Code:  nezfal1
Type Locality:  Queen Charlotte Sound, South Island, New Zealand, ex Latham.
Publish Year:  1788
IUCN Status:  


(Falconidae; Eurasian Hobby F. subbuteo) Late L. falco, falconis  falcon  < L. flectere  to curve (alluding to the curved talons) (cf. Late Gr. φαλκων phalkōn, φαλκωνος phalkōnos  falcon). "41. FALCO.  Rostrum aduncum, basi cera instructum.  Caput pennis arcte tectum.  Lingua bifida.  ...  Aquilæ dictæ fuere Falcones majores, pedibus hirsutis.  ...  Falconaria avs ad aucupium & venatum instruendi Falcones transiit in Scientiam; inter auctores plurimos eminet d'Esparon Falconaria. Francs. 1617. quart." (Linnaeus 1758). This genus is the second diagnosed in avian nomenclature. "Falco Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 88.  Type, by subsequent designation, Falco subbuteo Linné. (A. O. U. Committee, 1886.)" (Peters, 1931, I, 284); "Falco Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1, p. 88, 1758—type, by subs. desig. (Brit. Orn. Un-Comm., List of British Birds, p. 149, 1915),2 Falco Subbuteo Linnaeus.   ...   2 The A. O. U. Committee (1886), though generally credited with designating the genotype, unfortunately failed to do so, but merely determined Falco subbuteo as type by employing the inadmissable method of elimination." (Hellmay & Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 293); "Falco Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 88. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 3), "F. peregrinus L." = Falco peregrinus Tunstall." (Amadon in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd ed., p. 400); "FALCO Linnaeus, 1758  M - Falco subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (A.O.U., 1886, Check List, 2nd ed., p. 193)." (Dickinson and Remsen (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2013, 1 (Non-passerines), p. 349).  Linnaeus's Falco comprised twenty-six species (F. Melanætus, F. Chrysaëtus, F. fulvus, F. canadensis, F. rusticolus, F. barbarus, F. cærulescens, F. Albicilla, F. Pygargus, F. Milvus, F. forficatus, F. gentilis, F. Subbuteo, F. Buteo, F. Tinnunculus, F. sufflator, F. cachinnans, F. sparverius, F. columbarius, F. Lanarius, F. Haliætus, F. Gyrfalco, F. apivorus, F. æruginosus, F. palumbarius, F. Nisus).
Synon. AegypiusAesalonArchifalco, Asturaetus, CataractesCenchris, Cerchneis, Chiquera, ConfusianaCuvieriaDendrofalco, Dissodectes, DorcadotheraErythropus, Eufalco, Euhierax, Falcolus, Falcula, Gennadas, Gennaia, Gyrfalco, Harpe, Hierax, Hierofalco, Hypotriorchis, Ieracidea, Lanarius, Lithofalco, Megacerchneis, Neofalco, Nesierax, Notofalco, Palifalco, Pannychistes, Planofalco, Plioaetus, Pnigohierax, Poecilornis, Pontotriorchis, Rhynchodon, Rhynchofalco, Tichornis, Tinnunculus, Tolmerus, Turumtia.

Late L. falco, falconis  falcon  < L. flectere  to curve; the “Sekretär” of Gravenhorst 1817 (syn. Sagittarius serpentarius).

L. novus  new; Mod. L. Zeelandia or Seelandia  Zeeland, Netherlands; i.e. New Zealand (also New Zeeland and New Zeland, which received its name from the explorer Abel Tasman who explored the west coast in 1642, naming it Nova Zeelanda after his Dutch home).
● ex “New-Zealand Lark” of Latham 1783 (Anthus).
● ex “New-Zealand Duck” of Latham 1785 (Aythya).
● Erroneous TL New Zealand (= Tahiti); ex “Red-rumped Parrot” of Latham 1781 (syn. Cyanoramphus zealandicus).
● ex “New-Zealand Falcon” of Latham 1781 (Falco).
● ex “New-Zealand Titmouse” of Latham 1783 (Finschia).
● ex “New Zealand Pigeon” of Latham 1783 (Hemiphaga).
● ex “New-Zeeland Owl” of Latham 1781 (Ninox).
● ex “New Zealand Creeper” of Brown 1776, and “Poë Bee-eater” of Latham 1782 (Prosthemadera).