Sooty-crowned Flycatcher

Sooty-crowned Flycatcher / Myiarchus phaeocephalus

Sooty-crowned Flycatcher

Here the details of the Sooty-crowned Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myiarchus phaeocephalus
Protonym:  Myiarchus phaeocephalus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt(28)2 p.281
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  socfly2
Type Locality:  Babahoyo, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1860
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Short-crested Flycatcher M. ferox) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; αρχος arkhos  ruler, chief  < αρχω arkhō  to rule; "13. Gen. Myiarchus Cab. 1)  Muscapa [sic] et Tyrannus Auctor. part. Tyrannula Swain. 2) 1827.  Pyrocephalus Gould. 1838.      63. 1. M. ferox Cab.  Muscicapa ferox Lin. Gmel.   ...   64. 2. M. rufiventris Cab.  Tyrannus rufiventris d'Orb. de Lafr.   ...   65. 3. M. nigricans Cab.  Tyrannula nigricans Swains.   ...   66. 4. M. ferrugineus Cab.  Todus ferrugineus Lin. Gmel. ... Tyrannus bellicosus Vieill. ... Platyrhynchus hirundinaceus Spix. ... Platyrhynchus rupestris Pr. Max. ... Hirundinea bellicosa d'Orb. de Lafr. ... Suiriri roxo oscuro Azar.   ...   67. 5. M. coronatus Cab.  Muscicapa coronata Lin. Gmel.   ...   68. 6. M. atropurpureus Cab.  Muscicapa atropurpurea Lichtenst.   ...     1μυια musca, αρχος princeps.    2) except. Muscicapa barbata Gmel. et aliae species eidem similes, quae ad genus Myiobius Gray spectant." (Cabanis 1844); "Myiarchus Cabanis, 1844, Archiv. f. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 272. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 49), Muscicapa ferox Gmelin." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 194).  
Var. Myarchus.
Synon. Eribates, Hylonax, Kaupornis, Muscifur, Myionax, Onychopterus.
● (syn. Mecocerculus Ϯ White-throated Tyrannulet M. leucophrys setophagoides) "*373. Myiarchus, Bp. ex Caban. (Myiobius pGr.)  ...  1. TYRANNULA setophagoidesBpActItalAnnsextMediolp. 405. sp. 30. ex S.ta Fe de Bogota.  ...  2. TYRANNULA divaricataBp. (Pyrocephalus divaricatus, Gr.) ProcZoolSoc. 1837. p. 112. ex Mexico.  ...  An hujus generis?" (Bonaparte 1850); "Myiarchus Bonaparte, 1850 (not of Cabanis, 1844), Consp. Gen. Avium, 1, p. 188. Type, by monotypy,1 Tyrannula setophagoides Bonaparte.   1 The second species cited, Tyrannula divaraicata Bonaparte, is doubtfully referred to the new genus and hence is unavailable." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 35).

phaeocephala / phaeocephalus
Gr. φαιος phaios  dusky, brown, grey; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.

(Psittacidae; Ϯ Senegal Parrot P. senegalus) Gr. φαιος phaios  grey, dusky; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head; "POICEPHALUS, Sw.  Wings very long, reaching to the end of the tail; the first quill scarcely shorter than the second; the inner web of the first three primaries suddenly narrowed beyond the middle, and then obliquely truncated at the tip. Tail very short, even; the feathers broad, truncate, but the shafts prolonged into mucronate points.  Tropics of the Old World only; representing Palæornis.   Senegalensis. Le Vail. pl. 116.  Geoffroyi. Ib. 112.  melanocephalus. Ib. 133.  pileatus. Ib. 133.  Barrabandi. Ib. 134.  aureus. Le Vaill. pl. 138.  Swinderianus. Lear. Psitt. pl. 42.  torquata. Ib. 40.  taranta. Ib. 39." (Swainson 1837); "Poicephalus Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 301. Type, by subsequent designation, P. senegalensis (L.) Swainson = Psittacus senegalus Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52)." (Peters 1937, III, 224).
Var. Paeocephalus, Phaeocephalus, Piocephalus, Poeocephalus (Gr. ποια poia grass), Poiecephalus, Poiocephalus (Gr. πολιος polios  grey).
Synon. Eupsittacus, Micropsittacus, Notopsittacus.


Sooty-crowned Flycatcher (phaeocephalus)
SCI Name: Myiarchus phaeocephalus phaeocephalus
phaeocephala / phaeocephalus
Gr. φαιος phaios  dusky, brown, grey; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.

Sooty-crowned Flycatcher (interior)
SCI Name: Myiarchus phaeocephalus interior
interior / interioris
L. interior, interioris  interior, inner, remote (cf. interiores  they who live farther inland, living in the interior|).