White-throated Kingbird

White-throated Kingbird / Tyrannus albogularis

White-throated Kingbird

Here the details of the White-throated Kingbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tyrannus albogularis
Protonym:  Tyrannus albogularis Systemat.Uebers.Thier.Brasil. 2 p.465
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whtkin1
Type Locality:  Bahia and Pernambuco, Brazil; error?, emended to Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais by Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil (Publ. Dept. Zool. Sao Paulo), pt. 2, p. 134
Publish Year:  1856
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Eastern Kingbird T. tyrannus) Based on "Le Tyran.    Tyrannus" of Brisson 1760: "Tandis que la femelle couve, le mâle chasse d'auprès de son nid tous les Oiseaux; même les Faucons & les Aigles." (see tyrannus ●); "NEUVIÈME ORDRE.  Bec échancré.   24. PIE-GRIÈCHE. Lanius.   ...   25.TYRAN. Tyrannus. {Le bec long, droit, et garni de soies à sa base.    26. GOBE-MOUCHE. Muscicapa.   ...   27. MOUCHEROLLE. Muscivora" (de Lacépède 1799); "Tyrannus Lacepède, 1799, Tabl. Méth. Mamm. Ois., p. 5. Type, by tautonymy, Lanius tyrannus Linnaeus." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 221). The tyrants, pittas, broadbills and their allies form a very distinct group and should, perhaps, be separated from other passerines in a new order Subosciniformes.
Var. Tirannus, Tiranus, Tryannus.
Synon. Despotes, Dioctes, Drymonax, Laphyctes, Melittarchus, Milvulus, Muscivora, Myiocapta, Satellus, Semnarchus, Tolmarchus.

L. tyrannus  tyrant  < Gr. τυραννος turannos  tyrant.
● ex “Tyran à queue fourchue” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Tyrannus savana).
● “The courage of this little bird is singular. He pursues and puts to flight all kinds of birds that come near his station, from the smallest to the largest, none escaping his fury” (Catesby 1731); "43. LANIUS.  ...  Tyrannus.  4. L. vertice nigro: stria longitudinali fulva.  Muscicapa corona rubra. Catesb. car. I. p. 55. t. 55.  Pica americana cristata. Frisch. av. 4. t. 62.  Habitat in America septentrionaliColor obscure cinereus, abdomine albo." (Linnaeus 1758)  (Tyrannus).

albogulare / albogularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated, of the throat  < L. gula  throat.