Short-toed Rock-Thrush

Short-toed Rock-Thrush / Monticola brevipes

Short-toed Rock-Thrush

Here the details of the Short-toed Rock-Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Monticola brevipes
Protonym:  Petrocincla brevipes[Alexander] 2 App. p.263
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  strthr1
Type Locality:  Tans Mountain, Damaraland, near Walvis Bay.
Publish Year:  1838
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush M. saxatilis) L. monticola  mountain-dweller, mountaineer  < mons, montis  mountain; -cola  inhabitant  < colere  to dwell; "22. Familie. Drosseln, Turdus.  43. Gattung. Monticola.2    85. saxatilis    86. cyanus.   ...   2 Unterscheidendes Kennzeichen der Gattung: das rostrothe oder schieferblaue Gefieder." (Boie 1822); "Monticola Boie, 1822, Isis, col. 552. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1847, Gen. Birds, 1, p. 220), Turdus saxatilis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 135).
Synon. Colonocincla, Cyanocincla, Migratorius, Notiocichla, Notiocincla, Orocetes, Oroscirtetes, Petrocincla, Petrocossyphus, Petrophila, Petrornis, Pseudocossyphus.

L. monticola  mountain-dweller  < mons, montis  mountain; -cola  dweller  < colere  to inhabit.
● Namaqualand; ex “Traquet Montagnard” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 184, fig. 2 (Dromolaea).
● Hudson’s Bay; ex “Mountain Finch” of Latham 1783 (syn. Spizella arborea).
● Canada; ex “Moineau du Canada” of Brisson 1760, and d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 223, fig. 2, and “Soulciet” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (?syn. Zonotrichia leucophrys).

Mod. L. brevipes, brevipedis  short-footed  < L. brevis  short; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.

(Apodidaesyn. Apus Ϯ Common Swift A. apus) L. brevis  short; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "Temminck's new term Cypselus, taken from the κυψελος of the Greeks, is, in our opinion, far less apposite and precise than the compound, Brachypus, introduced by the German Ornithologists; and literally signifying Short-foot.  ... Our well-known Develin differs principally from the only other European species of the genus in the dusky colour of the whole inferior region of the body. Why, then, not designate it by the terms Brachypus (or Brevipes) melanogaster, dark-bellied Short-Legs?" (S. Palmer 1836); "Brevipes "P" = S. Palmer, Analyst, vol. iv. no. xv. p. 101, April 1st, 1836: alternative name for Brachypus Meyer." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 405)..


Short-toed Rock-Thrush (Short-toed)
SCI Name: Monticola brevipes brevipes
Mod. L. brevipes, brevipedis  short-footed  < L. brevis  short; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.

Short-toed Rock-Thrush (White-crowned)
SCI Name: Monticola brevipes pretoriae
Pretoria, Transvaal / Gauteng, South Africa.