
Streamertail / Trochilus polytmus


Here the details of the Streamertail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Trochilus polytmus
Protonym:  Trochilus Polytmus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.120
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  stream1
Type Locality:  America, = Jamaica, ex Brown.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Red-billed Streamertail T. polytmus) L. trochilus either (1) a small woodland bird or (2) a riverside bird < Gr. τροχιλος trokhilos small bird mentioned by Aristotle, identified by later writers with the wren Troglodytes.  The name was further used by Aristotle, Herodotus, Athenaios, Aristophanes, and Dionysios for the ‘crocodile-bird’ (so called because it fed on leeches from the open jaws of basking crocodiles), identified by later authors with the Egyptian Plover Pluvianus, the Spur-winged Plover Vanellus, or the Common Sandpiper Actitis.  Its use for the Jamaican Red-billed Streamertail can only allude to the former identification and the hummingbird’s small size; "60. TROCHILUS.  Rostrum subulato-filiforme, incurvatum, capite longius: Mandibula superior vaginans inferiorem.  Lingua filiformis, bipartito-tubulosa  ... Trochili aviculæ minimæ; aliæ rostro recurvo, aliæ incurvo, aliæ recto. Mel e floribus hauriunt more Bombylii, nec plantis inhærent." (Linnaeus 1758); "Trochilus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 119.  Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus polytmus Linné. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 14)." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 56).  Linnaeus's Trochilus comprised eighteen species (T. paradiseus, T. afer, T. Pella, T. Polytmus, T. forficatus, T. Colubris, T. Ourissia, T. Mosquitus, T. holosericeus, T. mellisugus, T. Tomineo, T. surinamensis, T. niger, T. mellivorus, T. ruber, T. Mango, T. cristatus, T. minimus).
Var. ThrochilusTrochillusTrochils, Troglodites.
Synon. Aithurus, Mellisuga, Phaethornis, Polytmus.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Archilochus Ruby-throated Hummingbird A. colubris). "In 1840, Gray designated T. polytmus Linn. as the type, but in 1855 changed the type to T. colubris Linn., which has been the universally recognized type ever since  ...  Article 30 [ICZN] renders it necessary to accept T. polytmus as the type of Trochilus, and some other name is necessary for the group universally known for more than half a century as Trochilus" (Allen 1908).
Var. Trochylus.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Heliomaster † Long-billed Starthroat H. longirostris) "TROCHILUS.  Rostrum rectissimum.  Cauda mediocris, æqualis, vel rotunda.   Types.  1. T. superbus, Shaw.   2. pileatus, Lath.   3. collaris, L,   4. O. M. à double huppe. Temm., Pl. col. 18. f. 3." (Swainson 1827); "Trochilus Swainson, 1827 (not Linnaeus, 1758), Zool. Journal, III (xi), p. 357.  Type, by subsequent designation (Elliot, 1879, Smithsonian Contrib. Knowledge, 317, Classif. Synop. Trochilidae, p. 82), Trochilus superbus Shaw and Nodder, 1802 = Trochilus longirostris Audebert and Vieillot, 1802." (JAJ 2020).   
• (Phylloscopidae; syn. Phylloscopus Chiffchaff P. collybita) "SYLVIA HIPPOLAIS.  Trochilus Minor.   Lesser Pettychaps, or Lesser Willow Wren, Chiff Chaff, or Chipator" (T. Forster 1817); "c. Sylvains muscivores, Sylvanæ muscivoræ, Temminck.  -  Le G. Trochilus, Pouillot, Nob.  -  Sylvia, Swains.  -  Ancien continent" (de La Fresnaye 1839).
• (Recurvirostridae; syn. Recurvirostra Pied Avocet R. avosetta) "86. TROCHILUS.*  Numenii species. LINN. gen. 59.  Recurvirostra Auctorum. LINN. ed. 6. gen. 56." (Moehring 1752); "86. KLUIT, in 't Latyn Trochilus.*  De [na boven staande] Krombek, Avosetta, der Schryveren. LINNAEUS. Syst. Nat. gesl. 56" (Moehring 1758).
• (Sylviidae; syn. Sylvia  Eurasian Blackcap S. atricapilla) "RENNIE, following the example of his superiors, has made changes which no law of science can justify, as for Salicaria he has substituted Ripæcola, for Rubecula, Rhondella; for Silvia, Trochilus,* &c., and thus he formed a nomenclature for his own use, as it were, for of course, no one would follow him.  ...  *The worthy professor seems to be unaware that Trochilus is the latin generic name for the Colibrees or Humming-birds." (C. T. Wood 1837).
Var. Trochillus.

Gr. τροχιλος trokhilos  small woodland bird mentioned by Aristotle, identified by later writers with the wren.
● "99. MOTACILLA.   ...   Trochilus.  31. M. cinereo-virens, remigibus subtus flavescentibus, superciliis luteis.  Fn. svec. 236.  Regulus non cristatus. Aldr. orn. l. 17. c. 2. Will. orn. 164. t. 42. Raj. av. 80. n. 10. Alb. av. 2. p. 55. t. 59. f. A. Frisch. av. . . t. 24. f. 2.  Habitat in Europa.  Conf. Locustella. Will. orn. 151.  Alauda minima locustæ voce. Raj. av. 70; pro eadem habet. Mus. petron. 380." (Linnaeus 1758) (Phylloscopus).
● "238. SYLVIA TROCHILUS.  ...  Parva et distincta etiam a longe voce singulari (Tin, Ton)." (Scopoli 1769) (syn. Phylloscopus collybita).
● Gr. τροχιλος trokhilos  unidentified riverside bird.  Wilkinson 1841, considered the Trochilus of Herodotus to be the Egyptian Plover (syn. Pluvianus aegyptius).

(Trochilidae; White-tailed Goldenthroat P. guainumbi thaumantias) Gr. πολυτιμος polutimos  very costly, valuable  < πολυς polus  much; τιμη timē  worth, esteem; "Polytmus. Genus 44.  ...  Le genre du Colibry.  Genus Polytmi.   ...  Tous les Oiseaux de ce genre n'ont que dix plumes à la queue. Leur langue est composée de deux petits canaux, demi-cylindriques, appliqués l'un contre l'autre, qui forment une espece de siphon, qu'ils sont sortir en grande partie de leur bec, à la maniere des Pics; & par le moyen duquel ils sucent le miel des fleurs.  Les Brasiliens appellent le Colibry en général GUAINUMBI. Marcgr." (Brisson 1760): based on "Avicula Americana" or "Colubris" of Schwenckfeld 1603, "Guainumbi" of Marcgrave 1648, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, "Colibri" of Labat 1724, "Trochilus viridescens" of Linnaeus 1748, "Mellisuga" or "Ronckjes" of Klein 1750, and "Troglodytes" of Moehring 1752; "Polytmus Brisson, Orn., 1, 760, p. 40; 3, p. 667.  Type, by tautonymy, Polytmus Brisson = Trochilus thaumantias Linné." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 57).
Synon. Agyrtria, Chrysobronchus, Psilomycter, Smaragdites, Thaumatias, Waldronia.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Campylopterus † Grey-breasted Sabrewing C. largipennis) "POLYTMUS Briss. *  ...   1. P. largipennis (Bodd.) Pl. enl. 672. f. 2., Ois. dor. t. 5. 21., Less. Ois. Mouch. t. 34., Swains. Zool. Ill. pl. 130, 131., Nat. Libr. xiv. pl. 34. — Trochilus campylopterus Gmel.; T. latipennis Lath.; T. cinereus Gmel.; Type of Campylopterus Swains. (1827).   2. P. ensipennis (Swains.) Zool. Illustr. pl.107., Less. Ois. Mouch.t. 35., Troch. t. 46, 47.   3. P. lazulus (Vieill.) Ency. Méth. p. 557., Gal. des Ois. t. 179. —Trochilus falcatus Swains. Zool. Illustr. pl. 83., Less. Ois. Mouch. t. 36.   ...   * Established by Brisson in 1760.  It embraces Campylopterus of Mr. Swainson (1827, Lampornis of Mr. Swainson (1827), with which Anthracothorax of M. Boie (1831) is synonymous." (G. Gray 1848); "Polytmus G. Gray, 1848, The Genera of Birds, I, p. 107.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 20), Trochilus largipennis Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2020).
• (Trochilidae; syn. Topaza † Crimson Topaz T. pella) "3.  Polytmus Brisson.  ...  Arten  1. Trochilus paradiseus Linn.   2. —— cyanurus Linn.   3. —— pella Linn.  Surinam.   4. —— superciliosus Linn.  Cayenne." (Boie 1831); "Polytmus Boie, 1831, Isis von Oken, col. 545.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 13), Trochilus pella Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).
• (Trochilidae; syn. Trochilus Red-billed Streamertail T. polytmus) Specific name Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758; "LE COLIBRI VERT, Polytmus viridis.  ...  Le Colibri vert, Trochilus viridis, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 34, pl. 15.   ...   LE COLIBRI A PLASTRON NOIR, Polytmus mango.  ...  Le Plastron noir, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 20, pl. 7,  Trochilus mango, LINN. GM.  Mango Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI VERT ET NOIR, Polytmus holosericeus.  ...  Le Vert et Noir, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 19, pl. 6, Trochilus holosericeus, LINN. GM.  Black-bellied Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI A TÊTE NOIRE, Polytmus atricapillus.  ...  Le Colibri à tête noire, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 121, pl. 67,  Trochilus polytmus, LINN. GM.  Black-capped Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI A HAUSSE-COL DORÉ, Polytmus aurulentus.  ...  Le Hausse-col doré, Trochilus aurulentus, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 29 et 51, pl. 12, mâle, pl. 15, femelle.   ...   LE COLIBRI A QUEUE FOURCHUE, Polytmus elegans.  ...  Le Hausse-col à queue fourchue, Trochilus elegans, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 32, pl. 14.   ...   LE COLIBRI A HAUSSE-COL VERT, Polytmus gramineus.  ...  Le Hausse-col vert, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 23, pl. 9. Vieux. Le Plastron blanc, ibid. pag. 35, pl. 16. JeuneTrochilus gramineus, margaritaceus, LINN. GM.  Black-breasted, Grey-necked Humming-bird, LATH." (Vieillot 1807); "Polytmus Vieillot, 1807, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux Amérique Septentrionale, II, p. 71.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 14), Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Polythmus.

Gr. πολυτιμος polutimos  very costly, valuable  < πολυς polus  much; τιμη timē  worth, esteem.
● "60. TROCHILUS.  ...  Polytmus.  4.  T. curvirostris, rectricibus lateralibus longissimis, corpore virescente; pileo rectricibusque fuscis.  Polytmus viridans aureo varie splendens, pinnis binis uropygii longissimis. Brown. jam. 475.  Mellivora capite nigro, cauda longa. Edw. av. 34. t. 34.  Alb. av. 3. p. 45. t. 49. f. 1?  Mellivora avis maxima. Sloan. jam. 2. p. 309. t. 264. f. 4.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Trochilus).


Streamertail (Red-billed)
SCI Name: Trochilus polytmus polytmus
(Trochilidae; White-tailed Goldenthroat P. guainumbi thaumantias) Gr. πολυτιμος polutimos  very costly, valuable  < πολυς polus  much; τιμη timē  worth, esteem; "Polytmus. Genus 44.  ...  Le genre du Colibry.  Genus Polytmi.   ...  Tous les Oiseaux de ce genre n'ont que dix plumes à la queue. Leur langue est composée de deux petits canaux, demi-cylindriques, appliqués l'un contre l'autre, qui forment une espece de siphon, qu'ils sont sortir en grande partie de leur bec, à la maniere des Pics; & par le moyen duquel ils sucent le miel des fleurs.  Les Brasiliens appellent le Colibry en général GUAINUMBI. Marcgr." (Brisson 1760): based on "Avicula Americana" or "Colubris" of Schwenckfeld 1603, "Guainumbi" of Marcgrave 1648, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, "Colibri" of Labat 1724, "Trochilus viridescens" of Linnaeus 1748, "Mellisuga" or "Ronckjes" of Klein 1750, and "Troglodytes" of Moehring 1752; "Polytmus Brisson, Orn., 1, 760, p. 40; 3, p. 667.  Type, by tautonymy, Polytmus Brisson = Trochilus thaumantias Linné." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 57).
Synon. Agyrtria, Chrysobronchus, Psilomycter, Smaragdites, Thaumatias, Waldronia.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Campylopterus † Grey-breasted Sabrewing C. largipennis) "POLYTMUS Briss. *  ...   1. P. largipennis (Bodd.) Pl. enl. 672. f. 2., Ois. dor. t. 5. 21., Less. Ois. Mouch. t. 34., Swains. Zool. Ill. pl. 130, 131., Nat. Libr. xiv. pl. 34. — Trochilus campylopterus Gmel.; T. latipennis Lath.; T. cinereus Gmel.; Type of Campylopterus Swains. (1827).   2. P. ensipennis (Swains.) Zool. Illustr. pl.107., Less. Ois. Mouch.t. 35., Troch. t. 46, 47.   3. P. lazulus (Vieill.) Ency. Méth. p. 557., Gal. des Ois. t. 179. —Trochilus falcatus Swains. Zool. Illustr. pl. 83., Less. Ois. Mouch. t. 36.   ...   * Established by Brisson in 1760.  It embraces Campylopterus of Mr. Swainson (1827, Lampornis of Mr. Swainson (1827), with which Anthracothorax of M. Boie (1831) is synonymous." (G. Gray 1848); "Polytmus G. Gray, 1848, The Genera of Birds, I, p. 107.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 20), Trochilus largipennis Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2020).
• (Trochilidae; syn. Topaza † Crimson Topaz T. pella) "3.  Polytmus Brisson.  ...  Arten  1. Trochilus paradiseus Linn.   2. —— cyanurus Linn.   3. —— pella Linn.  Surinam.   4. —— superciliosus Linn.  Cayenne." (Boie 1831); "Polytmus Boie, 1831, Isis von Oken, col. 545.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 13), Trochilus pella Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).
• (Trochilidae; syn. Trochilus Red-billed Streamertail T. polytmus) Specific name Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758; "LE COLIBRI VERT, Polytmus viridis.  ...  Le Colibri vert, Trochilus viridis, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 34, pl. 15.   ...   LE COLIBRI A PLASTRON NOIR, Polytmus mango.  ...  Le Plastron noir, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 20, pl. 7,  Trochilus mango, LINN. GM.  Mango Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI VERT ET NOIR, Polytmus holosericeus.  ...  Le Vert et Noir, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 19, pl. 6, Trochilus holosericeus, LINN. GM.  Black-bellied Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI A TÊTE NOIRE, Polytmus atricapillus.  ...  Le Colibri à tête noire, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 121, pl. 67,  Trochilus polytmus, LINN. GM.  Black-capped Humming-bird, LATH.   ...   LE COLIBRI A HAUSSE-COL DORÉ, Polytmus aurulentus.  ...  Le Hausse-col doré, Trochilus aurulentus, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 29 et 51, pl. 12, mâle, pl. 15, femelle.   ...   LE COLIBRI A QUEUE FOURCHUE, Polytmus elegans.  ...  Le Hausse-col à queue fourchue, Trochilus elegans, AUDEBERT, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 32, pl. 14.   ...   LE COLIBRI A HAUSSE-COL VERT, Polytmus gramineus.  ...  Le Hausse-col vert, Ois. dorés, tom. I, pag. 23, pl. 9. Vieux. Le Plastron blanc, ibid. pag. 35, pl. 16. JeuneTrochilus gramineus, margaritaceus, LINN. GM.  Black-breasted, Grey-necked Humming-bird, LATH." (Vieillot 1807); "Polytmus Vieillot, 1807, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux Amérique Septentrionale, II, p. 71.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 14), Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Polythmus.

Streamertail (Black-billed)
SCI Name: Trochilus polytmus scitulus
L. scitulus  pretty  < dim. scitus  pretty, fine.