Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird

Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird / Lepidopyga lilliae

Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird

Here the details of the Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lepidopyga lilliae
Protonym:  Lepidopyga lilliae Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 69(1917) p.204
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sabhum1
Type Locality:  Punto Caiman, Santa Marta, Colombia.
Publish Year:  1917
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Shining-green Hummingbird L. goudoti) L. lepidus  neat, elegant, agreeable  < lepos, leporis  charm; Gr. πυγη pugē  rump; "*Agyrtria  ...  γ. Lepidopyga Rchb.   *— Goudotii (Bourc. 1844) Rchb. t. 763. 4765-66. — pl. Pitcairnia latifolia Ait. — N.-Granada.   *— coeruleigularis (Gould 1850.) Rchb. t. 764. 4768-70. — pl. Oncidium ornitorhynchum K.H.B. — Veragua, Peru." (Reichenbach 1855); "Agyrtria γ Lepidopyga Reichenbach, Trochil. Enum., 1855, p. 7. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus goudoti Bourcier. (Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 5, 1911, p. 537.)" (Peters 1945, V, 50).
Var. Lepidopygia (Gr. -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped).
Synon. Emilia.

Lillian 'Lillie' May Stone née Lafferty (1872-1940) wife of US ornithologist Witmer Stone (Lepidopyga).