Coconut Lorikeet

Coconut Lorikeet / Trichoglossus haematodus

Coconut Lorikeet

Here the details of the Coconut Lorikeet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Trichoglossus haematodus
Protonym:  Psittacus haematod. MantissaPlant. p.524
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  railor4
Type Locality:  Amboina ex Brisson.
Publish Year:  1771
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Coconut Lorikeet T. haematodus) Gr. θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos  hair; γλωσσα glōssa  tongue; "GENUS CCXVII.— TRICHOGLOSSUS, Vigors.   Rostrum subcrassum, mandibula superior arcuata, inferior subelongata.  Lingua apice setosa.  Alæ mediocres.  Pedes breves; tarsi mediocres.  Cauda subbrevis.    THE Trichoglossi appear to belong to the old world, New Holland, and the Pacific Islands.    Sp. 1. Tr. hæmatopus.  Psittacus hæmatopus. Gmel. Syst. Nat. I. p. 357.— Psittacus cyanogaster. Shaw, v. viii. p. 413.— Molucca Islands.    Sp. 2. Tr. capistratus.  Psittacus capistratus. Beckst.— Psittacus hæmatodes. Shaw, v. viii. p. 415.—Amboyna?    Sp. 3. Tr. concinnus.  Psittacus concinnus. Shaw, Nat. Misc.—New Holland.    Sp. 4. Tr. pusillus.  Psittacus pusillus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 471.—New Holland.    Sp. 5. Tr? Taitianus.  Psittacus Porphyrio. Shaw, v. viii. p. 473. pl. 70.—Otaheite.    Sp. 6. Tr? australis.  ...  Psittacus australis. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 48. INHABITS New Holland.  ...  Sp. 7. Tr? chlorolepidotus.  ...  Psittacus chlorolepidotus. Nova Act. Acad. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 48. INHABITS New Holland." (Stephens 1826); “Genus, TRICHOGLOSSUS *.  ...  Lingua setis plurimis marginalibus ad apicem subtus instructa.  ...  a decided ground of distinction is exhibited in the formation of the tongue. The under part of this member is furnished at the apex with numerous strong hairs or bristles, of a brush-like structure; and which seem to serve the bird for the purpose of suction.  ...  *Θριξ seta, and γλωσσα lingua” (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Trichoglossus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 129, 1826 (late), ex Vigors & Horsfield, Zool. Journ. vol. ii. p. 281, July 1825, nude name. Type (by subsequent designation, Lesson, Man. d'Orn. vol. ii. p. 147, 1828: T. hæmatodus = T. hæmatopus Steph. = Psittacus moluccanus Gmelin." (Mathews 1927, 292); "Trichoglossus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, pt. 1, 1827 (1826), p. 287. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus haematodus Linné = Psittacus haematod Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51)." (Peters 1937, III, 147); "TRICHOGLOSSUS Stephens, 1826  M — Psittacus haematodus Linnaeus, 1771; type by subsequent designation (Lesson, 1828, Manuel d'Ornithologie, 2, p. 147)." (Dickinson & Remsen (eds.) 2013, 382).   
Var. TricoglossusTrichoglossa.   
Synon. Australasia, Eutelipsitta, Oenopsittacus.

haematodes / haematodus
Gr. αἱματωδης haimatōdēs  blood-red  < αἱμα haima, αἱματος haimatos  blood.


Coconut Lorikeet (Biak)
SCI Name: Trichoglossus haematodus rosenbergii
rosenbergi / rosenbergii
● William Frederick Henry Rosenberg (1868-1957) British natural history dealer, collector in tropical America (Amazilia, syn. Erythrothlypis salmoni, Nyctiphrynus, subsp. Pittasoma rufopileatum, subsp. Rhytipterna holerythra, subsp. Schiffornis veraepacis, syn. Sipia nigricauda, subsp. Xiphorhynchus susurrans).
● Carl Benjamin Hermann Freiherr von Rosenberg (1817-1888) German naturalist, surveyor, collector in the East Indies (Gymnocrex, syn. Mino anais orientalisMyzomela, Pitta, syn. Rhipidura threnothorax, Scolopax, Trichoglossus, Tyto).

Coconut Lorikeet (Coconut)
SCI Name: Trichoglossus haematodus [haematodus Group]
(Psittacidae; Ϯ Coconut Lorikeet T. haematodus) Gr. θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos  hair; γλωσσα glōssa  tongue; "GENUS CCXVII.— TRICHOGLOSSUS, Vigors.   Rostrum subcrassum, mandibula superior arcuata, inferior subelongata.  Lingua apice setosa.  Alæ mediocres.  Pedes breves; tarsi mediocres.  Cauda subbrevis.    THE Trichoglossi appear to belong to the old world, New Holland, and the Pacific Islands.    Sp. 1. Tr. hæmatopus.  Psittacus hæmatopus. Gmel. Syst. Nat. I. p. 357.— Psittacus cyanogaster. Shaw, v. viii. p. 413.— Molucca Islands.    Sp. 2. Tr. capistratus.  Psittacus capistratus. Beckst.— Psittacus hæmatodes. Shaw, v. viii. p. 415.—Amboyna?    Sp. 3. Tr. concinnus.  Psittacus concinnus. Shaw, Nat. Misc.—New Holland.    Sp. 4. Tr. pusillus.  Psittacus pusillus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 471.—New Holland.    Sp. 5. Tr? Taitianus.  Psittacus Porphyrio. Shaw, v. viii. p. 473. pl. 70.—Otaheite.    Sp. 6. Tr? australis.  ...  Psittacus australis. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 48. INHABITS New Holland.  ...  Sp. 7. Tr? chlorolepidotus.  ...  Psittacus chlorolepidotus. Nova Act. Acad. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 48. INHABITS New Holland." (Stephens 1826); “Genus, TRICHOGLOSSUS *.  ...  Lingua setis plurimis marginalibus ad apicem subtus instructa.  ...  a decided ground of distinction is exhibited in the formation of the tongue. The under part of this member is furnished at the apex with numerous strong hairs or bristles, of a brush-like structure; and which seem to serve the bird for the purpose of suction.  ...  *Θριξ seta, and γλωσσα lingua” (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Trichoglossus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 129, 1826 (late), ex Vigors & Horsfield, Zool. Journ. vol. ii. p. 281, July 1825, nude name. Type (by subsequent designation, Lesson, Man. d'Orn. vol. ii. p. 147, 1828: T. hæmatodus = T. hæmatopus Steph. = Psittacus moluccanus Gmelin." (Mathews 1927, 292); "Trichoglossus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, pt. 1, 1827 (1826), p. 287. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus haematodus Linné = Psittacus haematod Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51)." (Peters 1937, III, 147); "TRICHOGLOSSUS Stephens, 1826  M — Psittacus haematodus Linnaeus, 1771; type by subsequent designation (Lesson, 1828, Manuel d'Ornithologie, 2, p. 147)." (Dickinson & Remsen (eds.) 2013, 382).   
Var. TricoglossusTrichoglossa.   
Synon. Australasia, Eutelipsitta, Oenopsittacus.