White-throated Toucan

White-throated Toucan / Ramphastos tucanus

White-throated Toucan

Here the details of the White-throated Toucan named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ramphastos tucanus
Protonym:  Ramphastos Tucanus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.103
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Ramphastidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whttou1
Type Locality:  South America, restricted to Surinam by Griscom and Greenway, antea, p. 430.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Ramphastidae; Ϯ Red-billed Toucan R. tucanus) Aldrovandus’ 1599, misspelling “Ramphastos” of Gessner’s 1560, “Ramphestes” (Gr. ῥαμφηστης rhamphēstēs  snouted  < ῥαμφη rhampē  bill) was subsequently adopted by Linnaeus (cf. “Linnaeus calls it Rhamphastos  ...  a broad sword, from the form of its bill” (Pennant 1773)). The huge colourful bills of the toucans appear cumbersome, but are in fact very light, strengthened by a network of bony fibres within the horny shell; "45. RAMPHASTOS.  Rostrum maximum, inane, convexum, extrorsum serratum.  Nares pone maxillas.  Lingua pennacea.  Pedum digiti antici posticique gemini." (Linnaeus 1758); "Ramphastos Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 103. Type, by subsequent designation Ramphastos erythrorhynchus Gmelin = Ramphastos tucanus Linné (Vigors, Zool. Journ., 2, 1826, p. 471.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 82). This is the sixth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy. Linnaeus's Ramphastos comprised four species (R. piperivorus, R. Tucanus, R. picatus, R. Aracari). 
Var. Ramphastros, Rhamphastos, Rhamphastus, Ramphestes.
Synon. Bucco, Burhynchus, Dinorhamphus, Machlostomus, Ramphodryas, Tucaius, Tucanus.

Güaraní name Tu-kán  strong hammerer, for the toucans (cf. Wayāpi names Tukane and Tukä); “The cry is Toucaraca, whence the name” (Latham 1781); "45. RAMPHASTOS.  ...  Tucanus.  2. R. rostro rubro: carina obtusa alba.  Habitat in America meridionali.  Maxillæ versus basin fascia nigra." (Linnaeus 1758) (Ramphastos).

(syn. Ramphastos Ϯ White-throated Toucan R. tucanus) Specific name Ramphastos tucanus Linnaeus, 1758; "[subgenus] 3. Tucanus.   9. RAMPHASTOS TUCANUS, Linnaeus." (Cassin 1867).


White-throated Toucan (Red-billed)
SCI Name: Ramphastos tucanus tucanus
Güaraní name Tu-kán  strong hammerer, for the toucans (cf. Wayāpi names Tukane and Tukä); “The cry is Toucaraca, whence the name” (Latham 1781); "45. RAMPHASTOS.  ...  Tucanus.  2. R. rostro rubro: carina obtusa alba.  Habitat in America meridionali.  Maxillæ versus basin fascia nigra." (Linnaeus 1758) (Ramphastos).

White-throated Toucan (Cuvier's)
SCI Name: Ramphastos tucanus cuvieri/inca
(Ramphastidae; Ϯ Red-billed Toucan R. tucanus) Aldrovandus’ 1599, misspelling “Ramphastos” of Gessner’s 1560, “Ramphestes” (Gr. ῥαμφηστης rhamphēstēs  snouted  < ῥαμφη rhampē  bill) was subsequently adopted by Linnaeus (cf. “Linnaeus calls it Rhamphastos  ...  a broad sword, from the form of its bill” (Pennant 1773)). The huge colourful bills of the toucans appear cumbersome, but are in fact very light, strengthened by a network of bony fibres within the horny shell; "45. RAMPHASTOS.  Rostrum maximum, inane, convexum, extrorsum serratum.  Nares pone maxillas.  Lingua pennacea.  Pedum digiti antici posticique gemini." (Linnaeus 1758); "Ramphastos Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 103. Type, by subsequent designation Ramphastos erythrorhynchus Gmelin = Ramphastos tucanus Linné (Vigors, Zool. Journ., 2, 1826, p. 471.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 82). This is the sixth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy. Linnaeus's Ramphastos comprised four species (R. piperivorus, R. Tucanus, R. picatus, R. Aracari). 
Var. Ramphastros, Rhamphastos, Rhamphastus, Ramphestes.
Synon. Bucco, Burhynchus, Dinorhamphus, Machlostomus, Ramphodryas, Tucaius, Tucanus.