Apical Flycatcher

Apical Flycatcher / Myiarchus apicalis

Apical Flycatcher

Here the details of the Apical Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myiarchus apicalis
Protonym:  Myiarchus apicalis Ibis p.269
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  apifly1
Type Locality:  Bogota; restricted to Honda, Tolima, Colombia (J. T. Z.).
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Short-crested Flycatcher M. ferox) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; αρχος arkhos  ruler, chief  < αρχω arkhō  to rule; "13. Gen. Myiarchus Cab. 1)  Muscapa [sic] et Tyrannus Auctor. part. Tyrannula Swain. 2) 1827.  Pyrocephalus Gould. 1838.      63. 1. M. ferox Cab.  Muscicapa ferox Lin. Gmel.   ...   64. 2. M. rufiventris Cab.  Tyrannus rufiventris d'Orb. de Lafr.   ...   65. 3. M. nigricans Cab.  Tyrannula nigricans Swains.   ...   66. 4. M. ferrugineus Cab.  Todus ferrugineus Lin. Gmel. ... Tyrannus bellicosus Vieill. ... Platyrhynchus hirundinaceus Spix. ... Platyrhynchus rupestris Pr. Max. ... Hirundinea bellicosa d'Orb. de Lafr. ... Suiriri roxo oscuro Azar.   ...   67. 5. M. coronatus Cab.  Muscicapa coronata Lin. Gmel.   ...   68. 6. M. atropurpureus Cab.  Muscicapa atropurpurea Lichtenst.   ...     1μυια musca, αρχος princeps.    2) except. Muscicapa barbata Gmel. et aliae species eidem similes, quae ad genus Myiobius Gray spectant." (Cabanis 1844); "Myiarchus Cabanis, 1844, Archiv. f. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 272. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 49), Muscicapa ferox Gmelin." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 194).  
Var. Myarchus.
Synon. Eribates, Hylonax, Kaupornis, Muscifur, Myionax, Onychopterus.
● (syn. Mecocerculus Ϯ White-throated Tyrannulet M. leucophrys setophagoides) "*373. Myiarchus, Bp. ex Caban. (Myiobius pGr.)  ...  1. TYRANNULA setophagoidesBpActItalAnnsextMediolp. 405. sp. 30. ex S.ta Fe de Bogota.  ...  2. TYRANNULA divaricataBp. (Pyrocephalus divaricatus, Gr.) ProcZoolSoc. 1837. p. 112. ex Mexico.  ...  An hujus generis?" (Bonaparte 1850); "Myiarchus Bonaparte, 1850 (not of Cabanis, 1844), Consp. Gen. Avium, 1, p. 188. Type, by monotypy,1 Tyrannula setophagoides Bonaparte.   1 The second species cited, Tyrannula divaraicata Bonaparte, is doubtfully referred to the new genus and hence is unavailable." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 35).

Mod. L. apicalis  apical, of the tip  < L. apex, apicis  point, extremity.
● "ACANTHIZA APICALIS.  ...  Distinguished from A. Diemenensis, A. pusilla, and A. Ewingii, to all of which it is nearly allied, by its large size, by its larger and rounder tail, by the broad and distinct band of black which crosses the tail-feathers near their extremities, and by their being largely tipped with white." (Gould 1847) (Acanthiza).
● "MOHO APICALIS  ...  I avail myself of the opportunity of characterizing the species, and have assigned to it the name of apicalis, from the circumstance of all but the two middle tail-feathers being tipped with white" (Gould 1861) (‡Moho).
● "MYIARCHUS APICALIS  ...  caudæ nigricantis rectricis externæ pogonio externo et ceterarum apicibus latis flavido-albicantibus" (P. Sclater & Salvin 1881) (Myiarchus).