Gray-headed Bushshrike

Gray-headed Bushshrike / Malaconotus blanchoti

Gray-headed Bushshrike

Here the details of the Gray-headed Bushshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Malaconotus blanchoti
Protonym:  Malaconotus blanchoti Gen.Zool.[Shaw] 13 pt2 p.161
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Malaconotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gyhbus1
Type Locality:  Senegal [ex Levaillant].
Publish Year:  1826
IUCN Status:  


(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Grey-headed Bush-shrike M. blanchoti) Gr. μαλακος malakos  soft; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back; "Plumage soft and rather full" (Fry et al. (eds.) 2000); "It is important, however, that we should separate the African Thamnophili, from those of the new world; because we shall presently attempt to show, that they both lead to different groups; and because a peculiar distinction will be observed between them; the lateral scales on the tarsi of the African species, are formed of entire laminæ, while, in those from America, they are small and very numerous; in the first, the rictus is strongly bearded, in the last it is smooth. The name of M. Vieillot I shall therefore confine to such species as inhabit America, agreeably to the plan adopted by M. Temminck; while those of Africa will form the Genus Malaconotus, and may be represented by the T. olivaceus of M. Vieillot." (Swainson 1824); "MALACONOTUS   ...   Type. La Pie-grieche blanchot" (Swainson 1827); "Malaconotus Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ., 1 (1825), p. 40. Type, by original designation, T.[. . . ?] olivaceus "Vieillot" Swainson = La Pie-Grieche blanchot, LeVaill. (see Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, (1828), p. 163) = Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 338).
Var. Melaconotus.
Synon. Archolestes.

Col. François Michel Émile Blanchot de Verly (1735-1807) French Army, Gov. of Senegal 1787-1807 (Malaconotus (ex “Pie-grièche Blanchot” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 285)).


Gray-headed Bushshrike (blanchoti)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti blanchoti
Col. François Michel Émile Blanchot de Verly (1735-1807) French Army, Gov. of Senegal 1787-1807 (Malaconotus (ex “Pie-grièche Blanchot” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 285)).

Gray-headed Bushshrike (catharoxanthus)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti catharoxanthus
Gr. καθαρος katharos bright, pure, spotless; ξανθος xanthos yellow.

Gray-headed Bushshrike (interpositus)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti interpositus
interposita / interpositus
L. interpositus  interposed, introduced  < interponere  to interpose.
● "Similar to O. japonicus japonicus, but differs in having the wing and bill longer and stouter, and the coloration rather darker. It also differs from O. japonicus elegans in having the upper parts paler and less rufous in tone, and in having the wing and culmen perceptibly shorter" (Kuroda 1923) (subsp. Otus elegans).

Gray-headed Bushshrike (citrinipectus)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti citrinipectus
Med. L. citrinus  yellow, citrine  < L. citrus  citron, citrus; L. pectus, pectoris  breast.

Gray-headed Bushshrike (approximans)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti approximans
L. approximans, approximantis  nearing, approaching  < approximare  to draw near to.
● "This species bears a great resemblance to both the last [Astur radiatus, Astur fasciatus] in its colours and the general distribution of them; and we have had some doubt as to our bird being the young of one of them."(Vigors & Horsfield 1827) (syn. Accipiter fasciatus).
● "Similar to Celeus elegans elegans from Cayenne, but differs in having general coloration somewhat brighter; crown and rump averaging paler (more whitish); under wing coverts almost white (faintly buffy); size smaller." (Cory 1919) (subsp. Celeus elegans).
● "C. tyranninae Sclater simillima sed rostro breviore et alis longioribus, femina etiam fronte et capitis lateribus ferrugineis differt." (von Pelzeln 1869) (subsp. Cercomacra nigrescens).
● "General form, like C. cyaneus, but larger  ...  This hawk's manners, its long wings and tail, its white rump, and its unceasing industry in coursing, will at once remind an American of the marsh hawk, or the Englishman of the harrier." (Peale 1848) (Circus).
● "Gleicht dem O. capensis vollständig und ist nur durch auffallend geringere Grösse verschieden und stimmt hierin mit O. xanthomelas (Euplectes xanthomelas Rüpp.) überein." (Cabanis 1853) (subsp. Euplectes capensis).
● "Similar to L. o. ochroptera of southern and eastern Brazil, but differs chiefly in its much more pale brown (almost vinaceous brown and not at all olive) back, rump, and upper tail coverts.  Size about that of females of L. o. ochroptera." (Cory 1917) (subsp. Leptotila verreauxi).
● "Cabanis scheint von der Gleichartigkeit unseres M. hypopyrrhus mit olivaceus noch nicht völlig überzeugt und möchte selbst, wenn dies der Fall wäre, einer grössere westliche und kleinere östliche Abart (A. approximans, Cab. [1869]) annehmen, ohne indess Beweise zur Begründung dieser Ansicht beizubringen." (Finsch & Hartlaub 1870) (subsp. Malaconotus blanchoti).
● "Most nearly allied to P. poliosoma, Sharpe, from British New Guinea (Aroa and Mambare Rivers), of which it is the western representative; but the top of the head and ear-coverts are very dark slate-grey like the rest of the upperparts, while in P. poliosoma the crown and ear-coverts are washed with brown; also the fore-neck and chest are uniform dark grey like the rest of the underparts, while in P. poliosoma they are washed with earthy-brown immediately below the white throat." (Ogilvie-Grant 1911) (subsp. Pachycephalopsis poliosoma).
● "Similar to V. crassirostris, Bryant, but rather paler above, the yellow supraloral streak much less distinct; the yellowish postocular spot obsolete, and tail more decidedly rounded or graduated.  ...  It is not a little remarkable that this species, like the Certhiola from the same locality, should have its nearest ally in a Bahaman species (V. crassirostris, Bryant).  The resemblance to the latter is indeed so close that I hesitated to separate it" (Ridgway 1884) (subsp. Vireo pallens).

Gray-headed Bushshrike (hypopyrrhus)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti hypopyrrhus
(Icteridae; Ϯ Red-bellied Grackle H. pyrohypogaster) Gr. ὑπο hupo  beneath; πυρρος purrhos  flame-coloured, red  < πυρ pur, πυρος puros  flame;  "This singular bird is easily recognized by its scarlet abdominal band and under tail coverts, and plain black general plumage" (Cassin 1867); "*916. Hypopyrrhus, Bp. (Agelaius, p. Gr.)   America m.  1.    CASSICUS pyrrhogaster, Tarragon. (Agelaius pyrrhogaster, Gr.) Rev. Zool. 1837. p. 252. ex Bogota.  Nigerrimus; capitis plumis rigidis, angustissimis: abdomine latissime coccineo: cauda valde rotundata." (Bonaparte 1850); "Hypopyrrhus Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 425. Type, by monotypy, Cassicus pyrohypogaster de Tarragon." (Blake in Peters 1968, XIV, 182).

Gray-headed Bushshrike (extremus)
SCI Name: Malaconotus blanchoti extremus
extremum / extremus
L. extremus  extreme, outermost  < super. exter  outward  < comp. ex  out of.