Rusty-fronted Barwing

Rusty-fronted Barwing / Actinodura egertoni

Rusty-fronted Barwing

Here the details of the Rusty-fronted Barwing named bird below:

SCI Name:  Actinodura egertoni
Protonym:  Actinodura Egertoni Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt4 no.38 p.18
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Leiothrichidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rufbar1
Type Locality:  Nepal.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ Rusty-fronted Barwing A. egertoni) Gr. ακτινωδης aktinōdēs  like rays  < ακτις aktis, ακτινος aktinos  ray, beam; ουρα oura  tail (cf. "However, an alternative proposition is provided by Jobling (1991) who claims that Actinodura is derived from the Greek nouns aktis (feminine) or aktinos (masculine) meaning brightness or splendour and odouros (masculine) meaning a watcher or guardian" (Eames et al. 1999)); "ACTINODURA.  Rostrum subcompressum, subarcuatum, ad apicem subemarginatum.  Nares basales, lineares, operculo magno tectæ.  Alæ molles, breviusculæ, concavæ: remige 1ma brevissima 4ta 5taque longioribus.  Cauda mollis, elongata, gradata.  Tarsi elongati.  Pedes majusculi: halluce ungueque postico longiusculis.  Ptilosis mollis, laxa.   The wings and tail in the birds of this group are transversely barred. The typical species are crested.    ACTINODURA EGERTONI.  ...   Hab. In Nepalia.  The specimen described was presented to the Society by Sir P. Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P." (Gould 1836); "Actinodura Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 17.  Type, by original designation, Actinodura Egertoni Gould." (Ripley, 1961, Synopsis Birds India Pakistan, p. 402).
Var. Actinura.   
Synon. Alcopus, Hemipteron, Ixops, Leiocincla.

Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton (1806-1881) English palaeontologist (Actinodura).


Rusty-fronted Barwing (egertoni)
SCI Name: Actinodura egertoni egertoni
Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-Egerton (1806-1881) English palaeontologist (Actinodura).

Rusty-fronted Barwing (lewisi)
SCI Name: Actinodura egertoni lewisi
lewis / lewisi / lewisii
● Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis (1895-1979) US scholar, bibliophile, collector of Walpoleana, Trustee of Yale University (subsp. Actinodura egertoni).
● Lewis I., Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia (syn. Gavicalis virescens forresti).
● John Spedan Lewis (1885-1963) British business magnate, founder of the John Lewis Partnership 1929, aviculturalist (subsp. Lophura lineatus).
● Capt. Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) US Army, explorer, co-leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition which crossed America 1804-1806 to map and assess the potential of the Louisiana Purchase (Melanerpes).
● Dr T. H. Lewis (1854-1917) Royal Navy, surgeon, collector in the Pacific Ocean (subsp. Ptilinopus viridis).

Rusty-fronted Barwing (khasiana)
SCI Name: Actinodura egertoni khasiana
khasiana / khasica / khasiensis / khasium
Khasi Hills, Assam, India.

Rusty-fronted Barwing (ripponi)
SCI Name: Actinodura egertoni ripponi
Lt.-Col. George Rippon (1861-1927) British Army in India and Burma 1880-1914 (subsp. Abroscopus schisticeps, subsp. Actinodura egertoni, syn. Carpodacus verreauxii, subsp. Certhia himalayana, subsp. Fulvetta vinipectus, Liocichla, subsp. Lophura nycthemera, subsp. Pericrocotus ethologus, subsp. Pomatorhinus schisticeps, syn. Prunella collaris nipalensis, subsp. Suthora nipalensis).