Brown-winged Parrotbill

Brown-winged Parrotbill / Sinosuthora brunnea

Brown-winged Parrotbill

Here the details of the Brown-winged Parrotbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sinosuthora brunnea
Protonym:  Suthora brunnea Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.211
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sylviidae /
Taxonomy Code:  brwpar2
Type Locality:  Momien, western Yunnan.
Publish Year:  1871
IUCN Status:  


(Sylviidae; Ϯ Spectacled Parrotbill S. conspicillata) Mod. English Sino-  Chinese-  < Late L. Sinae  Chinese  < Gr. Σιναι Sinai  Chinese; genus Suthora Hodgson, 1837, parrotbill; "Sinosuthora new genus  Diagnosis: small parrotbills 11-15cm in length. Relatively plain in coloration, with brown to rufous-chestnut-fringed wings; all lack pronounced lateral crown-stripes.  Type: Suthora conspicillata A. David, 1871.  Gender: feminine" (Penhallurick & Robson 2009). The Spectacled Parrotbill is confined to China, where all the other members of the genus are also found, with a few outlying populations in bordering countries.
Synon. Sinoparadoxornis.

Mod. L. brunneus  brown  < Med. L. brunius  brown.


Brown-winged Parrotbill (Yunnan)
SCI Name: Sinosuthora brunnea ricketti
Charles Boughey Rickett (1851-1943) British banker, collector in the Far East (syn. Aquila heliaca, syn. Arborophila gingica, subsp. Chrysophlegma flavinucha, subsp. Leiothrix argentauris, Phylloscopus, syn. Picus canus sobrinus, subsp. Pteruthius aeralatus, subsp. Pyrrhula nipalensis, Sinosuthora, subsp. Spilornis cheela, syn. Sylviparus modestus).

Brown-winged Parrotbill (Brown-winged)
SCI Name: Sinosuthora brunnea brunnea/styani
(Sylviidae; Ϯ Spectacled Parrotbill S. conspicillata) Mod. English Sino-  Chinese-  < Late L. Sinae  Chinese  < Gr. Σιναι Sinai  Chinese; genus Suthora Hodgson, 1837, parrotbill; "Sinosuthora new genus  Diagnosis: small parrotbills 11-15cm in length. Relatively plain in coloration, with brown to rufous-chestnut-fringed wings; all lack pronounced lateral crown-stripes.  Type: Suthora conspicillata A. David, 1871.  Gender: feminine" (Penhallurick & Robson 2009). The Spectacled Parrotbill is confined to China, where all the other members of the genus are also found, with a few outlying populations in bordering countries.
Synon. Sinoparadoxornis.