White-streaked Honeyeater

White-streaked Honeyeater / Trichodere cockerelli

White-streaked Honeyeater

Here the details of the White-streaked Honeyeater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Trichodere cockerelli
Protonym:  Ptilotis cockerelli BirdsAustr.Supp. Suppl., pt5 pl.43
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Meliphagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whshon1
Type Locality:  Cape York, northern Queensland.
Publish Year:  1869
IUCN Status:  


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ White-streaked Honeyeater T. cockerelli) Gr. θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos  hair; δερη derē  throat; “I wish also to point out a new genus of Australian birds, which I propose to call Trichodere. When Gould characterized Ptilotis cockerelli in the 'Annals & Magazine of Natural History' in 1869, he remarked:-- "Although I have placed this beautiful new species in the genus Ptilotis, I am by no means certain that I am correct in so doing, for the bird possesses characters which ally it to at least three genera, namely Stigmatops, Meliphaga, and Ptilotis, while it possesses characters peculiar to itself to demand a distinct generic appellation."  ...  While differing in minor characters from Glycyphila, Meliornis, and Ptilotis, it may be readily distinguished from these and every other genus of the family Meliphagidæ, by the hair-like appearance of the sides of the feathers on the throat and fore-neck. I therefore purpose to distinguish it under the name of Trichodere . . . Type. Ptilotis cockerelli” (North 1912).
Var. Tricodere.
Synon. Hemiptilotis.

● James Frederick Cockerell (1847-1897) Australian (born in Hong Kong) collector in Australia, the Aru Is., 1872, Samoa, Fiji and the Bismarcks 1875-1876, and Solomon Is. 1878, son of John T. Cockerell (Philemon, Rhipidura, Trichodere).
● John Thomas Cockerell (1819-1907) English seafarer, storekeeper in Hong Kong 1844-1848, naturalist, settled in Australia 1848, collector in Queensland, and in the Aru Is., 1872 (syn. Zonerodius heliosylus).