Uluguru Bushshrike

Uluguru Bushshrike / Malaconotus alius

Uluguru Bushshrike

Here the details of the Uluguru Bushshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Malaconotus alius
Protonym:  Malaconotus alius Proc.NewEngl.Zool.Cl. 10 p.5
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Malaconotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ulubus1
Type Locality:  Bagilo, Uluguru Mts., Tanganyika Territory.
Publish Year:  1927
IUCN Status:  


(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Grey-headed Bush-shrike M. blanchoti) Gr. μαλακος malakos  soft; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back; "Plumage soft and rather full" (Fry et al. (eds.) 2000); "It is important, however, that we should separate the African Thamnophili, from those of the new world; because we shall presently attempt to show, that they both lead to different groups; and because a peculiar distinction will be observed between them; the lateral scales on the tarsi of the African species, are formed of entire laminæ, while, in those from America, they are small and very numerous; in the first, the rictus is strongly bearded, in the last it is smooth. The name of M. Vieillot I shall therefore confine to such species as inhabit America, agreeably to the plan adopted by M. Temminck; while those of Africa will form the Genus Malaconotus, and may be represented by the T. olivaceus of M. Vieillot." (Swainson 1824); "MALACONOTUS   ...   Type. La Pie-grieche blanchot" (Swainson 1827); "Malaconotus Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ., 1 (1825), p. 40. Type, by original designation, T.[. . . ?] olivaceus "Vieillot" Swainson = La Pie-Grieche blanchot, LeVaill. (see Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, (1828), p. 163) = Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 338).
Var. Melaconotus.
Synon. Archolestes.

L. alius  other, another.
● “The name alius, which is Latin for ‘other’ (this being another Scops-owl from the Nicobar Islands), encapsulates the family name of Mr Humayun Abdulali [1914-2001], who first collected this species, and contributed a great deal to Indian ornithology, and in particular that of the Andaman and Nicobar islands” (Rasmussen 1998) (Otus).
● "I find that birds from west of the Rift Valley (true jacksoni) are clearly separable from those from the east of it.  As no name appears to be available for the eastern form, I propose to name it  Pogoniulus bilineatus alius subsp. nov.  ...  Similar to P. b. jacksoni but somewhat smaller  ...  and darker below, more grayish on the throat and breast, less clear greenish yellow on the abdomen." (Friedmann 1930) (syn. Pogoniulus bilineatus jacksoni).
● "Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps alius, subsp. nov.  ...  Similar to Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps ochraceiceps, but the tail darker above, the black area at the tip more extensive and extending further towards the base of the feathers; the tail beneath even has the black more extensive, very little brown showing except at the base and a narrow border at the tip.  ...  Dr. Rock only took the single specimen." (Riley 1940) (subsp. Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps).