Mantled Hawk

Mantled Hawk / Pseudastur polionotus

Mantled Hawk

Here the details of the Mantled Hawk named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pseudastur polionotus
Protonym:  Asturina (Leucopternis) polionota Isis 40 col.212
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  manhaw2
Type Locality:  'South America.'' Type from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ White Hawk P. albicollis) Gr. ψευδος pseudos  false; genus Astur de Lacépède, 1801, goshawk; "7. THRASAËTINÆ.  Pseudastur, ‡  Thrasaëtus, Morphnus, Spizaëtus.   ...   ‡ Type, Falco pœcilonotus, Cuvier, v. F. scotopterus, Pr. Max. (Pl. Col. 9.)" (Blyth 1850); "Pseudastur Blyth, Cat. Bds. Mus. Asiat. Soc., p. 24, 1849 [or 1852]—type, by monotypy, Falco poecilonotus Temminck = Falco albicollis Latham." (Hellmayr & Conover, 1949, XIII, 169).

polionota / polionotum / polionotus
Gr. πολιος polios  grey; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.