White-bellied Hummingbird

White-bellied Hummingbird / Amazilia chionogaster

White-bellied Hummingbird

Here the details of the White-bellied Hummingbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Amazilia chionogaster
Protonym:  Trochilus chionogaster FaunaPeruana[Tschudi] Orn. p.39,247 pl.22 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbhum1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1846
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Cinnamon Hummingbird A. rutila) Specific name Ornismya amazilia Lesson, 1828 (see amazilia); "Race: Les AMAZILIS, amazilia, Less.  — (pl. 73.) L'ois. mouche lumachelle: Ornysmia lumachella, Less., rev. zool. p. 315. Hab.: Bahia.   — (pl. 74.) L'ois. mouche beau: Ornysmia eximia, Delattre, écho, 1813, Hab.: Guatimala.   — (pl. 75) L'ois. mouche canelle: Ornysmia cinnamomea, Less., rev. zoolog., 1842, p. 175; Orn. rufula, Delattre, écho, 1843. Hab: Acapulco, Guatimala.     (pl. 76) L'ois. m. Clarisse: Ornysmia clarisse, Longuemare, rev. zool., 1841, p. 306. H. Santa-Fe-de-Bogota." (Lesson 1843); "Amazilia Lesson, Écho du Monde Sav., 1843, col. 757. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya cinnamomea Lesson = Ornismia rutila DeLattre. (Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philas., 1918, p. 256.)" (Peters 1945, V, p. 61).  I have elsewhere suggested that the substantive name Amazili be given to the hummingbirds of this genus.  
Var. Amazillia.   
Synon. Agyrtria, Albanora, Amazilicus, Amazilina, Amazilius, Amizilis, Arena, Arenella, Ariadne, Ariana, Chionogaster, Chionomesa, Cyanomyia, Elliotia, Eranna, Eratina, Eratopis, Erythronota, Eucephala, Hemistilbon, Hemithylaca, Hypochionis, Leucodora, Lisoria, Myletes, Polyerata, Pyrrhophaena, Saucerottia, Uranomitra.

Amazili, an Inca heroine in Jean Marmontel’s novel (1777) “Les Incas, ou la destruction de l’Empire du Pérou” (Amazilia (“le nom de cette espèce rappellera à l’imagination de nos lecteurs une des héroïnes célébrées par Marmontel dans ses Incas, et en même temps les lieux où elle vit” (Lesson 1830), subsp. Columbina minuta).

Gr. χιων khiōn, χιονος khionos  snow; γαστηρ gastēr, γαστρος gastros  belly.  

(Trochilidaesyn. Amazilia Ϯ White-bellied Hummingbird A. chionogaster) Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915) US ornithologist, founding member of AOU; "The fourth group consists of the species "Amazilia" chionogater (von Tschudi), and "A." viridicauda (Berlepsch)  ...  these species cannot be included in either Amazilia or Leucippus. Neither we nor Peters (1945: 59) have found any other generic name proposed specifically for them. We also cannot find support for the statement by Schuchmann (1999) that these species had been "often alternatively placed in genus Chionogaster", or indeed that the name Chionogaster has ever been used in a generic sense: it does not appear in Zoonomen (Peterson 2009) or in any of the synonymies of the original sources we have consulted. A new generic name for chionogaster and viridicauda is therefore necessary. We propose  Elliotia, gen. nov.  ... We select chionogaster (von Tschudi, 1846) as the type species. The genus name honors Daniel Giraud Elliot for his important early contributions to clarifying the generic taxonomy of the Trochilidae" (Stiles et al. 2017) (OD per Martin Schneider); "Elliotia Stiles, Remsen & McGuire, 2017, Zootaxa, 4353, p. 411 (not of Nietner, 1856 (Insecta)).  Type, by original designation, chionogaster (von Tschudi, 1846), i.e. Trochilus chionogaster von Tschudi, 1845." (JAJ 2021) (see Elliotomyia).


White-bellied Hummingbird (chionogaster)
SCI Name: Amazilia chionogaster chionogaster
Gr. χιων khiōn, χιονος khionos  snow; γαστηρ gastēr, γαστρος gastros  belly.  

White-bellied Hummingbird (hypoleuca)
SCI Name: Amazilia chionogaster hypoleuca
Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; λευκος leukos white (cf. ὑπολευκος hupoleukos whitish).
● ex “Pico triqueño” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 123 (syn. Sporophila leucoptera).
● Gr. ὑπερλευκος huperleukos exceedingly white; “The name hypoleucus was evidently a lapsus for hyperleucus” (Gadow 1883) (Gymnorhina).