Black-bellied Starling

Black-bellied Starling / Notopholia corusca

Black-bellied Starling

Here the details of the Black-bellied Starling named bird below:

SCI Name:  Notopholia corusca
Protonym:  L[amprotornis] corrusca ReiseErde[Erman],Naturhist.Atlas p.9
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sturnidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bbgsta1
Type Locality:  Southern Africa; type said to be from Kaffirland.
Publish Year:  1835
IUCN Status:  


(Sturnidae; Ϯ Black-bellied Starling N. corusca) Gr. νοτος notos  south; genus Pholia Reichenow, 1900, starling; "Sharpe's arrangement of the Starlings should be adopted for the greater part, the exceptions being the following.  I should separate the Black-bellied Glossy Starling (Phoenicopterus [sic] melanogaster Swainson = L. corusca Nordmann, cf. Neumann, Orn. Monatsber. 1913, p. 8) under the name of NOTOPHOLIA gen. nov., characterised by its short, broad bill, stout and comparatively short tarsi, and smaller size." (A. Roberts 1922); "Notopholia Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 272. Type, by original designation [= by monotypy], Phoenicopterus melanogaster Swainson = Lamprotornis corrusca Nordmann." (Amadon in Peters 1962, XV, 91).

L. corusca  brilliant, flashing  < coruscare  to twinkle.


Black-bellied Starling (corusca)
SCI Name: Notopholia corusca corusca
L. corusca  brilliant, flashing  < coruscare  to twinkle.

Black-bellied Starling (vaughani)
SCI Name: Notopholia corusca vaughani
vaughani / vaughanii
● Commander Robert E. Vaughan (1874–1937) Royal Navy, in the Pacific 1893 (Acrocephalus).
● John Henry Vaughan (1892–1965) English lawyer on Zanzibar 1922-1929, Attorney-Gen. Fiji 1945-1952, ornithologist (subsp. Lamprotornis corruscus, Zosterops).