Malayan Night-Heron

Malayan Night-Heron / Gorsachius melanolophus

Malayan Night-Heron

Here the details of the Malayan Night-Heron named bird below:

SCI Name:  Gorsachius melanolophus
Protonym:  Ardea melanolopha Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1), 13 p.326
Taxonomy:  Pelecaniformes / Ardeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  manher1
Type Locality:  western Sumatra.
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Ardeidae; Ϯ Japanese Night Heron G. goisagi) Specific name Ardea goisagi Temminck, 1836; “122. Gorsachius, Pucheran.  (Nycticorax! part. Gr.) Rostrum breve fere CUCULACEUM (LEPTOSOMI!)   As. or.  1.   ARDEA GOISAKI, Temm. (Botaurus goisagi, Reich. - Nycticorax goisagi, Gr. - Gorsachius typus, Pucheran.) Pl. col. 582. juv.. - Schleg., Faun. Jap. Av. t. 75. - Reich., Syst. Av. t. 149. f. 2566 et 2567. - Mus. Paris. adult. 1829. a Brossardo. et juv. a Temm. ex Japan. nec Ins. Philippensibus.” (Bonaparte 1855); "Gorsachius Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 138. Type, by monotypy, Nycticorax goisagi Temminck." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 117).   
Var. Goisachius, Goisakius, GoraschiusGorsakius.   
Synon. Butio, Limnophylax, Oroanassa.

Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; λοφος lophos  crest.

(syn. Clamator Ϯ Jacobin Cuckoo C. jacobinus serratus) Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; λοφος lophos  crest; "The name of Edolius Lesson (1830), type Cuculus serratus Sparrmann, is preoccupied by Edolius Cuvier (1817), and I therefore re-name it MELANOLOPHUS, type C. serratus Sparrmann; this genus is characterised  by having the first primary slightly shorter than the secondaries, the second primary equal to the sixth, the third and fifth equal and shorter than the fourth, which is longest." (A. Roberts 1922).