McKay’s Bunting

McKay\'s Bunting / Plectrophenax hyperboreus

McKay's Bunting

Here the details of the McKay's Bunting named bird below:

SCI Name:  Plectrophenax hyperboreus
Protonym:  Plectrophenax hyperboreus Proc.U.S.Natl.Mus. 7 p.68
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Calcariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  mckbun
Type Locality:  St. Michael Island, south shore of Norton Sound, Alaska.
Publish Year:  1884
IUCN Status:  


(Calcariidae; Ϯ Snow Bunting P. nivalis) Genus Plectrophanes Meyer, 1815, bunting; Gr. φεναξ phenax, φενακος phenakos  imposter (i.e. replacement); “(1) BECHSTEIN’S Calcarius is the oldest name;  (2) the type of this is Fr. lapponica LIN.;  (3) MEYER’S Plectrophanes is merely a synonym of Calcarius, having the same type;  (4) the same is the case with KAUP’S Centrophanes;  (5) his Plectrophanes cannot be used for the genus having E. nivalis for type, because preoccupied as synonymous with Calcarius;  (6) the genus which has E. nivalis for its type should be supplied with a new name, as no later name has been given.  In order to make as little change as possible, I propose for it the name Plectrophenax.*  ...  †  πληκτρον = spur; φεναξ = impostor.” (Stejneger 1882). 
Synon. HortulanusPasserina.

hyperborea / hyperboreus
L. hyperboreus  northern  < Gr. Ὑπερβορεοι Huperboreoi  a people of the extreme north.
● Lapland and Hudson Bay; ex “Larus fidipes alter” of Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, “Tringa fuscus canadensis” of Edwards 1743-1751, “Phalaropus cinereus” of Brisson 1760, and Tringa lobata Linnaeus, 1761 (syn. Phalaropus lobatus).