Asian House-Martin

Asian House-Martin / Delichon dasypus

Asian House-Martin

Here the details of the Asian House-Martin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Delichon dasypus
Protonym:  Chelidon dasypus Consp.Gen.Av. 1 p.343 ydP
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Hirundinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ashmar1
Type Locality:  Borneo.
Publish Year:  1850
IUCN Status:  


(Hirundinidae; Nepal House Martin D. nipalense) Anagram of genus Chelidon Boie, 1822, martin; "Genus DELICHON, (Hodgs.)  Moore, P. Z. S. (1854), p.    621. DELICHON NIPALENSIS, Hodgson.  ...  This interesting bird differs from the type of the genus Chelidon by its smaller and more robust bill, and by its short and nearly even tail, the wings also being shorter; from Cotyle it is at once distinguished by its plumed feet" (Moore 1854); "The subject that I beg to lay before the Meeting this evening, is a new form belonging to the family Hirundinidæ, lately collected in Nepal and presented to the Museum of the East India Company by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., which is allied to, but certainly distinct from, the genus Chelidon, and for which the following anagrammatical name is proposed.  DELICHON (nov. gen.)  ...  Type, D. Nipalensis, Hodgs. n. sp." (Moore 1855); "DELICHON F. Moore, 1854  N — Delichon nipalense F. Moore, 1854; type by monotypy 1   ...   1 This name has usually been attributed to Horsfield and Moore but see Dickinson et al. (2001), where the name nipalensis is discussed; the same reasoning applies to the generic name." (Dickinson and  Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 477).
Synon. Chelidon, Chelidonaria, Martula, Tichistes.

Genus Delichon Moore, 1854, house martin.

Gr. δασυπους dasupous, δασυποδος dasupodos  hairy-footed, rough-footed  < δασυς dasus  hairy; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.


Asian House-Martin (dasypus)
SCI Name: Delichon dasypus dasypus
Gr. δασυπους dasupous, δασυποδος dasupodos  hairy-footed, rough-footed  < δασυς dasus  hairy; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.

Asian House-Martin (cashmeriense)
SCI Name: Delichon dasypus cashmeriense
cashmeriense / cashmeriensis / cashmirensis / cashmiriensis
Kashmir or Cashmere (< Sanskrit Kasmira), the northern-most portion of the Indian subcontinent, which has changed rulers over the centuries and is still in dispute (now between India, Pakistan and China).

Asian House-Martin (nigrimentale)
SCI Name: Delichon dasypus nigrimentale
nigrimentale / nigrimentalis
L. niger black; Mod. L. mentalis pertaining to the chin < French mental of the chin < L. mentum chin.