Yellow-breasted Bunting

Yellow-breasted Bunting / Emberiza aureola

Yellow-breasted Bunting

Here the details of the Yellow-breasted Bunting named bird below:

SCI Name:  Emberiza aureola
Protonym:  Emberiza aureola ReiseVersch.Provin.Russ.Reichs 2 p.711
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Emberizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yebbun
Type Locality:  Irtysh River, south-central Siberia.
Publish Year:  1773
IUCN Status:  


(Emberizidae; Ϯ Yellowhammer E. citrinella) Old Swiss German name Embritz for a bunting  < Old German Ammer  bunting. "97. EMBERIZA.  Rostrum conicum.  Mandibulæ basi deorsum a se invicem discedentes: inferiore lateribus inflexo-coarctata; superiore angustiore." (Linnaeus 1758); "Emberiza Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 177. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, ed. 1, p. 47), Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 5). Linnaeus's Emberiza comprised fourteen species (E. nivalis, E. Calandra, E. Hortulana, E. Citrinella, E. Orix, E. Quelea, E. militaris, E. atrata, E. familiaris, E. flaveola, E. psittacea, E. paradisæa, E. Ciris, E. Alario).  
Var. Emberyza, Emberitza, EmbritzaEmbriza, Emberisa, Emeberiza.   
Synon. Buscarla, Chrysophrys, Cia, Cirlus, Citrinella, Cosmospina, Cristemberiza, Crithophaga, Cynchramus, Fringillaria, Fringilloides, Glycyspina, Granativora, Hortulana, Hortulanus, Hylaespiza, Hypocentor, Latoucheornis, Melophus, Miliaria, Ocyris, Onychospina, Orospina, Pityornis, Polymitra, Pyrrhulorhyncha, Schaenicola, Schoeniclus, Spina, Spodiospina, Tisa.

L. aureolus  golden, brilliant  < aurum  gold (cf. Med. L. aureola   golden crown).
● ex “Avicula surinamensis nigra, capite e luteo coccineo” of Petiver 1702-1709, “Avicula mexicana de Chichil totolh altera” of Seba 1734-1765, “Parus niger & fulvus” of Edwards 1747, and “Parus niger, capite pectoreque coccineis, remigibus antrorsum macula alba” of Linnaeus 1764 (Pipra).


Yellow-breasted Bunting (aureola)
SCI Name: Emberiza aureola aureola
L. aureolus  golden, brilliant  < aurum  gold (cf. Med. L. aureola   golden crown).
● ex “Avicula surinamensis nigra, capite e luteo coccineo” of Petiver 1702-1709, “Avicula mexicana de Chichil totolh altera” of Seba 1734-1765, “Parus niger & fulvus” of Edwards 1747, and “Parus niger, capite pectoreque coccineis, remigibus antrorsum macula alba” of Linnaeus 1764 (Pipra).

Yellow-breasted Bunting (ornata)
SCI Name: Emberiza aureola ornata
L. ornatus  ornate, adorned, decorated, splendid, embellished  < ornare  to adorn.