Brown Crake

Brown Crake / Zapornia akool

Brown Crake

Here the details of the Brown Crake named bird below:

SCI Name:  Zapornia akool
Protonym:  Rallus Akool Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 no.23 p.164
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Rallidae /
Taxonomy Code:  brocra1
Type Locality:  Deccan.
Publish Year:  1832
IUCN Status:  


(Rallidae; Ϯ Little Crake Z. parva) Anagram of genus Porzana Vieillot, 1816, crake; "ZAPORNIA. CRAKER.  ...  RALLUS. Gmel., Lath.  GALLINULA. Beck., Temm.  ZAPORNIA. Leach.  OF this genus, which was separated by Dr Leach from the Crakes, there is but one species known.  ...  LITTLE CRAKER. (Zapornia pusilla.)  ...  Zapornia minuta. Leach, Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 34" (Stephens 1824).
Var. Zaporina, Lapornia.
Synon. Aphanolimnas, Kittlitzia, Limnobaenus, Limnocorax, Nesophylax, Palugalla, Pennula, Phalaridion, Porzanoidea, Porzanula, Rallites, Schoenocrex.

Probably a Hindi autochthonym, but perhaps from myth. (cf. Sinhala name Kukkula for the moorhen and watercock; Hindi ākul  restless, agitated; Arabic akool  I eat, glutton); "RALLUS AKOOL.   ...  This bird appears quite distinct from any described species of Rallus or Gallinula.  The nearest approach to it is the Rall. niger of Gmelin from the Cape of Good Hope.  Sexes alike.  Frequents sedgy and marshy places amidst low bushes.  Shuns observation" (Sykes 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 164)  (Zapornia).


Brown Crake (akool)
SCI Name: Zapornia akool akool
Probably a Hindi autochthonym, but perhaps from myth. (cf. Sinhala name Kukkula for the moorhen and watercock; Hindi ākul  restless, agitated; Arabic akool  I eat, glutton); "RALLUS AKOOL.   ...  This bird appears quite distinct from any described species of Rallus or Gallinula.  The nearest approach to it is the Rall. niger of Gmelin from the Cape of Good Hope.  Sexes alike.  Frequents sedgy and marshy places amidst low bushes.  Shuns observation" (Sykes 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, p. 164)  (Zapornia).

Brown Crake (coccineipes)
SCI Name: Zapornia akool coccineipes
L. coccineus  scarlet-coloured  < coccum  scarlet dye  < Gr. κοκκος kokkos  scarlet berry; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.